Entry #8

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Year Six ~ The Final Year

Our final year, finally was here! Everyone was excited and happy to soon be going on and doing their duty to help the human race, and satisfy their future husbands. Some of the girls, myself included hoped to be able to be auctioned off early. I did not turn sixteen till the end of the final year as my birthday always signaled the start of a new year. So, I should not be expected to become pregnant till after my birthday but I was excited to finally do what I was raised for.

This year classes were only for the first half of the year; it was reinforcing the rules and ethics and sexual methods that we learned in the last many years. Along with classes teaching us grooming techniques, shaving our legs, under arms and groins. We were to do this regularly to ensure proper technique was learned so not to have our husband stumble on scabs and cuts from the blade. Also, we were to practice on each other as we may be expected to help our future sister wives with their grooming during pregnancy. Another aspect of our grooming classes was how to apply makeup and dress correctly in various types of clothing. Our future husbands will let us know what of this we will need to retain and continue.

Closer to the end we needed to be assessed and given our sex appeal rating. It was based on what was the popular bid on the girls the year before, so if tall girls got higher bids than shorter girls you would score higher this year if you were taller. Other areas like our eye, hair and skin color were also considered in the rating. Along with how well you developed in the breast area and how well you were able to shave all areas. The rating was out of one hundred, I was very proud of receiving my rating of eighty-three, anything over eighty was a very good score. I hoped my score would make up for the fails that my mother did, as I did not want them to affect the decision of the men that may have their eyes on me. Though it was not pleasant to go through, as you were stripped, touched and grabbed all over to ensure an adequate assessment was done by the man doing the check.

During the check and scoring, we were screened for any known illnesses, and health check. We were also given a virginity certification, it was painful, but I passed. One of the girls did not pass, she was sent off to the boy's college to be used as a practice woman, that would be a tireless position, having young men learning what they like with sex, and how to impregnate a woman.

My day to be auctioned off was finally here. I went into the auction room at the main auction house. Standing in the center of the room with nothing but a simple dress on, completely shaved but my head. My hair was in a long single simple braid. Man after man came through the room examining me, touching and grabbing, with the only place off limits was between my legs to avoid an accidental taking of my virginity. Once finished examining me they went and sat in the benches at the one end of the room. There was about fifteen men once the bidding started. Starting bid was at twenty pieces, a high start compared to what I was expecting, I should defiantly go to a wealthy husband with this, hopefully one that is nice, and has many wives.

Bidding stopped at a whopping thirty-four pieces. To my dismay it was a common man, likely only with few wives. My hope is still that he is kind. He had kind eyes it seemed. A scruffy beard covered his face, he looked to be in his thirties, as there were slight wrinkles forming around his eyes. This was my husband, my partner, the man that I will provide many children to, and he will receive all my love as I would listen to all he has to say and never question.

I left with him that day.

Till our next meeting.


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