Entry #9

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First Years as a Wife

The next four years after I left Auction with my husband were ok. I was very lucky; he was a kind man. Also, I got pregnant soon after I turned sixteen, having my first healthy girl before I turned seventeen. She was so adorable, she got his brown eyes though, hopefully that will be in demand once she gets to the end of the auction houses.

My husband, who liked to be called Daniel, had simple rules. You cleaned and tended to all household duties. All female children were to start helping to care for the house once they are five years of age. Male children are to be fed first, played with daily, tended to their every need immediately. This even means that you must stop tending to female children if the male child requires something. If he wants sex, you gave it to him; however, he wants it in that moment. If you are not, pregnant you are expected to have sex once a day, if you are it is every second day. Granted that depends if he wants to or not, so this may not happen.

He had two wives when I became his wife, Alice and Cherry. Cherry passed away shortly after I came into the family, I am not sure how she died. Alice was thirty-four, and has been a wife since finishing the auction houses at sixteen. He was hard on Alice; she didn't seem to follow all his requests properly. I needed very little correction it seemed, at least at first. There had been ten other wives before me; this should have concerned me more than the slight curiosity that I had about that fact. Shrugging it off I continued doing my duties and didn't think about it further. I wasn't supposed to think anyway.

We were not allowed any books, but that was ok as other than when we were to be sleeping, we had no time to enjoy anything even if that enjoyment was attempting to learn to read.

After each birth he was very generous and let us have two months to recover before you were expected to try to conceive again.

I had my second daughter just before I turned eighteen. Third shortly after I turned nineteen. After the third I did not get pregnant for a while. My babies were good babies, thankfully. I wondered often what their names would be, and hoped that they will go on to become good wives and mothers.

As I did not get pregnant right way after my third, I was beaten if my monthly flow came. Disgraceful, it was to not give my husband what he wanted. I willed and wished for my body to listen to me, to let me become pregnant. Not wanting to disappoint my husband further, I tried everything I could think of to try and get pregnant for him.

Alice became quite ill during a pregnancy, throughout it as the months ticked by, she became weaker and weaker. The child was sucking the life out of her. She looked nothing like the woman I came to know. Her face sunken in, cheek bones prominent, she looked like a pregnant walking skeleton.

Eventually I helped in her delivery of her newest child. The baby was the first male child I had ever seen. He was amazing, why could I not give him a son yet. Her six daughters that were still being cared for by her went off to auction prep the following morning, his son moved into my care till he was five years of age and then he would move into his father's care. He was a kind little boy.

It took almost a full year before I was able to become pregnant again, my fourth child was born by the time I was twenty-one. Unfortunately, it was another female. I could not have a male. Just another girl. How did my mother do it? She had fifteen girls before her boy, maybe if she had her boy first it would not have been born a Termi. Why could I not get pregnant with a boy?

I wished a boy didn't take me long to have.

Till our next meeting.


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