That one mission

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"I can't believe this" Yuna mumbled to herself as she looked through the scope of her rifle. Everyone took their place around the building where three terrorists kept at least 25 hostages.

"Yuna, are you in position, end" sounded through the walkie-talkie. She picked it up and pressed the button to answer. "Position confirmed, end" she answered. " Can you see what's going on inside? end" asked the other. Yuna looked through the scope again to look if the situation inside the building changed. "It looks like there are three men, heavily armed. Most hostages are on the ground and-" While she explained the situation one of the terrorists took a child and pointed his gun at him. "-and one just took a kid. Asking for permission to fire, end."

Yuna clenched her teeth in anger. "Permission denied, Wang isn't in position yet, end." She groaned in frustration. "Well tell him to hurry the fuck up then.. end."

She followed the terrorist and the child with her eyes. As a few minutes passed, more and more agents turned up at the site. Luckily the terrorist hadn't made any sudden movements.

"Everyone is ready to fire, Yuna can you hit the one who's holding the child without hitting him and other innocent people, end." 'For at least five fucking minutes, yes' she thought to herself.

"Target confirmed, can hit the target in approximately 0,40 seconds, end" she replied. "Alright, permission to shoot in exactly 36 seconds from now, end." Yuna sighed. 'It's time for you to go to hell' she said to herself and fired the bullet which hit the target 0,39 seconds later at the same time as the other terrorists.

When she finally came down from her spot with her rifle in a shiny grey suitcase many agents went out of their way for her as always. Well, she hasn't been exactly very friendly with them so it's rather understandable. The only contacts she has were the other two snipers, Wang and Vargov and their leader Kusege.

When she placed the suitcase in the trunk of their car she closed it and got in the front seat of the car. There are enough police officers to take care of the hostages so why not rest.

A moment later Wang joined Yuna in the car. He got in next to her, behind the wheel. Not really what she had been hoping for. The moment he got in he started talking and laughing really loud about god knows what. She closed her eyes hoping he would understand and shut up but unfortunately he just kept laughing like a hysterical hyena.

'his personality is way too unfit for a sniper' she thought. Snipers are supposed to be quiet and reserved or more like invisible actually. Vargov was exactly like that. He never said more than he had to. Kusege was kind of in between them. He tried to be happy but sadness and remorse sometimes took over, making him more talkative than Vargov and herself but less outgoing than Wang.

Not that he can be blamed for it, not after all that has happened to Kusege and her. It got them to where they are now though. If terrorists hadn't barged in their university to shoot around, killing 177 and wounding more, they would probably be studying in Japan right now. But they both swore to get revenge on all terrorist for the attack. Never she'll forget the faces of the ones who were brutally murdered, their dear friends too.

Yuna shook her head when Wang started the car. "alright, let's get take-out and party" Wang yelled when they took off. "And why do you think we are in the mood for a party" Yuna mumbled. Of course, a party is the first thing someone who just shot a man would like. Happy killing party? Yeah sure. "Ah why are you always such a party-pooper?" Wang whined. "Why are you always so loud" Yuna snapped back. They always get in stupid fights like these.

"How about you two lovebirds have your quarrel somewhere else" Vargov rolled his eyes. That statement got Yuna burning with rage. Wang and her? Lovebirds? Never! What was that about anyway. Was he trying to embarrass her in front of Kusege? "Tsk, I'd rather die than date Wang" 'How could I ever date an idiot like that'. She thought.

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