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More and more soldiers came out of the building but Kusege still didn't come back. ''Do you think..'' Yuna started when Vargov cut her off. ''Let's just wait a little longer.'' They just stood there in silence. Neither of them was the type to start a conversation, besides this wasn't the right moment anyway.

After ten minutes Wang came back with the surveillance footage which was sent to his phone and showed who was abducted by the men with the black scarfs. When he held his phone up, his hand was shaking. ''You two.. watch this.'' Wang looked to the ground when he handed over the phone and turned around as Vargov pressed play.

There it was. The undeniable prove. Yuna turned pale when she saw two men carrying Kusege who seemed unconscious. She grabbed the phone and threw it on the ground. She started yelling different curse words in her mother tongue with Wang and Vargov couldn't understand and punched the car with her fist. She felt tears coming up but bit her lip to make sure she wouldn't cry. 'How. Just how' She kept thinking.

Moments later they received a message from their boss to see him in his temporary office they set up at the beginning of the site. Both of Yuna's team members knew they couldn't go there until Yuna calmed down and it didn't look like that would ever happen soon so Wang dragged Yuna behind the car to force her to calm down. ''I know this is bad but I need you to calm down.'' He grabbed her shoulders firmly. ''Yuna!'' She ground her teeth and stopped moving. ''Goddamnit Wang'' She took a shaky breath and felt like she could collapse any moment. ''What are we going to do..?'' Wang looked at her and sighed. ''I don't know, but we have to get to the boss's office first. He wants to see us.''

They entered the temporary office where their boss was angrily waiting. When they all got in none of them sat down. Before any of them could say something he pointed at the camera footage where terrorists leave with Kusege, played over and over. ''How did this happen!'' the man yelled. His eyes were big and bloodshot, his forehead was sweaty and the veins in his neck were visible. He was furious. No one said anything while the man kept yelling things. Things like; their team was a failure and how they would lose their high status.

When he finally seemed calmer he sat down on his chair. ''Since no one is answering my questions, I'll do it myself. Because neither of you looked out for your teammate, he now disappeared. God knows where they'll take him or if he'll survive. We're not even sure if he was alive when they left but I know one thing for sure and that is that this team no longer exists.''

They all looked up in shock. ''You can't do-'' Wang tried to say. Were they forced to disband? Yuna swallowed when the boss angrily interrupted Wang. ''I can't do this? Then how do you want to continue without your leader? 'You'll think any other soldier would trust this leader-abandoning team?

The man turned his chair around and looked at the footage again. ''I ordered another team to follow them to see where they go. They'll try to rescue him but don't expect to see him ever again.'' When he finished his sentence, Wang hit the table and yelled something in Chinese, his native language.

''We are his team! We are the ones who'll get him back!'' The boss jumped out of his chair and grabbed Wang's jacket. ''You were his team but abandoned him! You're all suspended, that's it!''

Yuna didn't want to believe it but what if he was right, what if Kusege would die and it was their fault. Her head was spinning and the fact that the site was busy wasn't really helping either. Teams were leaving, more police officers were coming and ambulances rushed off around them.

Neither of them said anything after they handed in their badge. When they slowly walked back to the car, the leader of the team from before came to them. ''Sorry but you guys are the team members of the abducted soldier right?'' He seemed a bit awkward but Wang didn't care at all.

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