Chapter 3.

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I enter my room feeling exhausted after school and head towards my bathroom when I hear my aunt's ear piercing screaming, making me let out a sigh and walk out of my room, to the staircase to find her standing on the lower stair with a pissed off face and her hands placed on her hips.

"Yes, Aunt Georgia?"

"Did you prepare the cupcakes and decorate the house for the party?!" She yells at me, although I'm standing right in front of her and I don't find any reason for her to yell at me.

"Did you clean the house? Did you order the cake? Did you get the drinks? Did you..." she continues to ramble, as I quietly listen to her, not saying any thing to interrupt her in between. She suddenly stops and narrows her eyebrows at me, her lips pursing together before she parts them to again yell at me.

"Why are you not answering me?! Where did your tongue go now? Huh?!" She yells at the top of her lungs, causing me to flinch and straighten myself as I watch her in slight horror.

"I was uh, I was letting you complete your sentence first." I quickly say and she mocks me, rolling her eyes at me.

"Go and start the work now!" She orders before turning on her heels and walking inside her bedroom downstairs. I huff and rub my hands over my face before walking inside my room and quickly washing my face and changing my clothes.


"Drinks anyone?" I ask the wild teenagers dancing around everywhere in the pool area, carrying a tray of drinks in my hand. Suddenly I feel my arm being grabbed as someone pulls me towards them.

"My best friend didn't get the drink! What the hell are you even doing?!" Amber yells at me as I look over at her best friend Chloe, who I had just served the drink five minutes ago.

"But I--never mind." I say, sighing, as I hand her a drink quietly because I know there is no use of arguing with Amber or her best friend.

I begin to walk past them when I hear them talking about the new guy of our school. "Did Zayn arrive already?" Chloe asks Amber as I slightly tilt my head to see a frown on Amber's face as she plays with her necklace.

"No, he hasn't yet. I hope he's coming because I invited him." She says when I feel my vision getting blury and I clutch my head as it begins to hurt. I feel completely dizzy and exhausted due to working nonstop.

"We need drinks!" Tyler and his friends yell from across the pool and I reply a "coming", before rushing towards them when I bump into someone causing the tray in my hands to disbalance as the drinks drop on the person I bumped into.

Oh God. No. Not him.

"I am..I'm really so-"

"What the-"

"Maire can't you fucking walk properly?!" Tyler rushes towards Zayn and I, cutting off Zayn's sentence in the middle. I stare at Tyler and then back at Zayn and then back at Tyler and then back at Zayn with my mouth and eyes wide open. My eyes travel over Zayn's shirt soaked in the drink, then back at Tyler's furious face. I take a step back from them because Tyler looks like he can kill me any minute.

"Apologise to Zayn now, you bitch!" Tyler yells at me, causing some heads to turn in our direction as I flinch at his tone, my heart beat racing. I lower my head in shame, when Tyler again yells at me making me again flinch.

"Apologise to Za-"

"It's fine, don't talk to her like that." I hear Zayn's voice, making me lift up my head and look at him in confusion. Isn't he going to yell at me?

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