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R A Y N E    P A R K E R

"Bi, Hunt, meet my friend, Kendall West. Kendy, meet my friends, Bianca Wells and Humter Rayes."

Rayne introduced his best friends to his new friend. Kendall rolled her eyes at Rayne.

"Kendy? What the hell, Parker."

Rayne laughed at Kendall, who just pouted. Bianca and Hunter shared a look, before looking at Kendall.

"Hey, Kendall. I'm Bianca, any friend of Rayner's is a friend of mine!"

Kendall smiled at Bianca. Rayne grinned at the sight of the his crush and his whatever Kendall was to him being friends.

"So how did you two meet?"

Hunter asked, giving Rayne a sideways grin that came with a hint of a smirk. Rayne narrowed his eyes at Hunter.

"Uh long story. We met the park."

Kendall turned to look at Rayne, trying to contain her laughter.

"Nice lie." She muttered to him, making him grin.

"You two seem really close for people who just met the day before. It's almost like you two fell in love with each other the moment you met eyes."

Rayne glared at Hunter when he said that.

"Hunt. You sound like you're trying to write a fan fiction. And no we're not in love, plus you know I already like someone else."

As soon as he said that, Rayne couldn't help but feel like he had just told a huge lie, not just to his friends, but to himself too.

Obviously, he liked Bianca, a lot. But he still didn't know what he felt about Kendall. All he knew was he felt a strong feeling towards her.

"Oh how quickly you dimiss our love. Nope just kidding we're just friends who have tons in common."

Kendall joked, making them all laugh in unison.

Looking at the time in his watch, Rayne's eyes widened.

"Guys, I'll catch up with all of you later, I need to head off somewhere. Bye!"

He waved goodbye to the three of them, running away in a flash. He was late for his meeting with Mr Thompson at ISAA.

Wait a minute. How the hell do I get to ISAA? I don't even know where it is! He thought, silently cursing at himself.

That's when a black van appeared again, the same one that 'kidnapped' him the day before.

Right on time. He thought, hurrying into the van.

♕ ♕ ♕ ♕

"Sorry I'm late, Mr Thompson. I swear it won't happen again."

Mr Thompson laughed at Rayne.

"Funny you say that, Rayne. But yet your school record shows how late you've been to class before, latest was today when you showed up an hour late, with a girl. I'm assuming it's safe to say your previous mission was a success?"

Checkmate ♛Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang