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Rayne, Bianca and Hunter were once again walking home from school, with the two of them in the front chatting away, and Rayne walking at the back, as he put his hands into his pocket, staring at the scenery around them.

He couldn't help himself but feel a strong feeling of deja-vu, walking throught that path to head home.

Out of the blue, as if on cue, a white van appeared, as a big burly man with a black mask grabbed Rayne, one hand holding his arms, the other covering his mouth to keep him from screaming, as the man dragged Rayne away.

He pulled Rayne into the van and shut him inside it, before driving off.


When he finally came too, his eyesight still blurry, he found himself in a dark room with only two lights. One shining on him, and one shining on a table with a red and dark blue spinning executive chair. When his vision cleared, Rayne just sighed.

"Is this really the best way to get my attention, Mr Whitman? I mean there's always the phone, or preferably, my watch."

Rayne remarked, emphasizing on 'my watch' as he showed it to the tall man walking towards him.

"Yes, I realize that, Agent 009. This way just seemed much more fun."

Mr Whitman smirked playfully, making Rayne roll his eyes.

"So what can I do for you today?"

"You can sit down and wait patiently for your partner to arrive. You know, for a girl who can punch and run away in a matter of seconds, she sure does take a long time to get to an important meeting. She sure is-"

"Something. She sure is something." Rayne grinned.

"Aw thanks, Rayne. And excuse me for being late only because I wanted to get coffee. You can't keep making me stay long hours filing paper work for you and expecting me to still have energy the next day, Mr Whitman."

She sighed in exasperation.

"Mocha latte?"

She offered to Mr Whitman, who kindly declined, shaking his head.

"Alright Agent 002. Now go sit down next to your boyfriend so we can get this started. But don't try anything, you two. I will personally kick you out if you do."

He gestured to Rayne who gave her a small wave.

"Hey West."

He smiled, as she kissed his cheek.

"Hey Parker."

As Mr Whitman explained their mission to them, Rayne zoned out. He kept on thinking about his choice, of choosing to remain part of the ISAA, and to be with Kendall instead of going back to his normal life.

He definitely did not regret it. Sure, he had to live this double life, but he knew it was worth it.

He smiled at Kendall, lying back on the couch in the middle of the room.

This all started with Mr Thompson trying to ruin his life, as if it were a chess game. But in the end, after his divine move, he had won.

'Checkmate.' He thought to himself, grinning widely.


And that's the end of checkmate! Gosh I have really enjoyed writing this book, and now *sniffles* it's over. Sigh.

I'm so sorry that I have been taking so long to update the last few chapters, and well actually, almost every chapter. I've just been really busy I guess.

Anyways, a huge shoutout and thanks to my few readers that I have. I really appreciate you guys being so patient with my horrible updating schedule.

Hope you guys have enjoyed checkmate as much I have enjoyed writing it!

Have a great night/day everyone!

rach xx

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