Chapter Sixteen

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For a moment I didn't understand, as if my brain short circulated for a few seconds. When I finally comprehended what he said, I was bewildered and in complete shock.

"You're surely not telling me you're going to allow a barbaric fight to ensue in your pack."

"My pack has never conformed to the rules Kennedy." His voice had a dark tone to it.

"You can't do this Blaine. Bryson is my best friends mate, he was simply upset and acted out." I was defending him, not willing to let go of this lightly.

"Bryson understands these rules Kennedy, he was born into this pack and he understands that there's consequences." Blaine's eyes were turning dark.

"You clearly need to invest in some new rules then because this is simply not happening." My tone was deadly serious, I needed to protect Tilly and her mate.

A growl rumbled deep from within his throat and Blaine abruptly stood up, "It's a shame you won't be here to see it then,"

I was confused at his words and I showed him with my frowned facial expression.

"Because both you and Tilly will be safely locked in the pack prison." He said before he picked me up, throwing me on his shoulder while walking out the room.

I attempted to struggle out of his grip but he never even seem fazed as he carried me out of the house and across the woods in the direction of the prison.

I was completely furious but also completely useless.

As we got closer to his destination, I could hear screaming. I knew immediately that it was Tilly, and I guessed that Blaine had forced someone to grab Tilly as well.

No matter how hard I struggled and how much I leaned all my weight onto him, he still managed to swiftly carry me.

"Let me go Blaine." I sieved, as we walked past multiple open cells, his prisoners all staring as my mate took Tilly and I into the back room.

"Why are you doing this?" I questioned when he put me down, into the office prison cell.

"Because, this is who I am. This is how I run my pack." He replied simply.

"No Blaine, this is how your father ran the pack." I argued but he ignored my statement and I watched as he disappeared from view.

Once he was out of my sight, I turned to see Tilly sitting on the cell bed. She was quietly sobbing and I could practically feel anxious she was. From the look in her eyes, she knew what was about to happen.

"What are we going to do Kenny? I know Bryson's done wrong but this, it's just so diabolical." Her voice was begging, she was pleading with me for an answer.

I turned back to face the cell doors. I tugged hard at the bars but to no avail. I leaned my head on the cold cell bars. "We've got to get out of here first, before we think about anything else."

I heard the bed creak, indicating that Tilly had stood up, and then I felt her presence standing next to me. I looked to see her, looking at me with a small smile.

"I saw Diego standing outside that door," She said pointing to a wooden door a few feet away. "Maybe we can get his attention and somehow persuade him to let us out?"

Her voice was hopeful, and I nodded. We had no other options and I wasn't able to come up with anything. "How are we going to get his attention though?" She said, her eyebrows frowning.

"We're going to have scream loud enough until he comes in here." I replied, werewolf hearing was extremely sensitive.

"Erg, okay. Let's just get this over with." Her face showing her displeasure.

Her Scarred Alpha | ✓ (Currently Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now