Chapter Twenty Five

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Blaine presence rapidly changed as he stood straight, his stance turning intimating as he took a step closer to Mellissa.

He growled darkly at her, warning her to listen as he captured her attention while  taking it off of me. "This information stays between us, it is not information you are allowed to share. If you fail to do so, I will carry out the threat I promised before."

From the dark look in his eyes, his wolf was definitely lucking at the surface. His eyes had changed from emerald green to pitch black, his eyes narrowed on Mellissa as his wolf took over using his authority as an Alpha to command her to abide by his rules and demands.

His words reminding me of the day that I had stopped him from taking her life as he dangled her by the scruff of her t-shirt as she sat in a prison cell months ago.

"Don't you have a mate to be with?" Blaine asked, his voice sounded calm, but you could hear the deadly tone in his voice as he raised his eyebrow in question.

Melissa continued her silence but stared at my mate.

"You can go, but don't forget what I said." He snarled murderously, a warning that he would only give once.

Mellissa's eyes wondered from Blaine's to mine, she held my gaze, her eyes lingering for a moment before she finally left, stepping out of my bedroom.

Her footsteps echoing as she walked quickly down the stairs the front door slamming as she left the house.

I sighed as if I hadn't taken a breath in minutes. The whole situation had made me feel extremely anxious; my fingers instantly coming up to my mouth as I began biting my nails. An awful habit of mine for when I was nervous.

Blaine turned to me, as he regained control from his wolf. "Ken, I don't know what that was all about but I promise you - nothing will happen to the baby. She wouldn't dare do or say anything." Blaine promised, a slight growl whispering over his voice as his hands came up to my shoulders, holding me in place, attempting to reassure me as he pulled my body to his.

His touch sent tingles throughout my body, as I laid my head of his chest while he embraced me.

I pulled back slightly, still needing him to explain what just happened. "Why was she here again Blaine?" I questioned, feeling frustrated and exhausted.

"Ken, I know as much as you do. I was in the bathroom, I have no idea why she was here. All she mentioned was a problem at the pack house." He repeated what Mellissa had told us.

I could hear the sincerity in his voice but I pushed a little further, wanting to satisfy my wolf fully. "You promise? As this is not the first time you have found yourself in this predicament."

He pulled me back, his hands cupping both sides of my face as he looked at me intensely. "I swear on our pup's life."

I nodded, knowing that he was sincere - his words genuine.

He pulled me over to the bed, forcing me to sit on his lap. "Look, I shouldn't of acted the way I did on Gabriel's territory, I was shocked that my mate would hide the fact that she was pregnant," He sighed deeply.

"Is that your way of apologising?" I smirked, teasing him. I didn't want to continue arguing.

He sent me a sexy smirk back, a teasing smile plastered on his face. "It's the best you're going to get." He whispered in my ear, amusement clear in his voice as he nibbled slightly on my ear.

My face mirrored his, he suddenly kissed me on my lips; our kiss intensifying more and more.

He stood up, picking me up with him. My legs wrapped round his waist as he turned us around, placing me gently on the bed as we continued to kiss.

I attempted to suppress a moan when he began kissing my jaw, slowly moving down towards my neck.

His hands teasingly moved down my body, as he began to remove my clothing, I was getting very hot and bothered and he knew it, his grin never fading as he began to undress.


A few weeks went by, and I had found myself getting more exhausted as the weeks went on. It was definitely pregnancy symptoms.

Blaine and I were due to have an appointment with our pack doctor George at 2pm. I was extremely eager to find out the gender of our baby which we would find out later today.

My excitement showed as I walked into the kitchen, to find Lena singing as she made a cup of coffee. Her mate, Liam sat on a kitchen stool as he watched his mate with loving eyes.

Both their attention landed on me. "Morning Kenny," Lena smiled as she raced over to me, gently placing her hands on my protruding belly. "I bet you can't wait to find out the gender. Blaine won't admit it, but I know he is."

I grinned, I couldn't help but show my excitement as I smiled brightly, her face echoing mine. "Very." I replied just as my mate walked in.

"Morning," He said as he kissed both Lena and I on the cheek before nodding at Liam, who nodded back.

As excited as I was to find out the gender, I was also petrified. My baby is yet to kick which was abnormal for a wolf - we should be able to feel our baby move once it's hit the 6 weeks mark but then again, nothing in this pregnancy was normal.

The doctor was still unable to explain why my pregnancy had no scent but he had promised the baby was well and healthy.

Blaine and I, only shared the news to a few trustworthy wolves. Blaine had a lot of enemies and it wasn't worth the risk sharing the news with our pack until the baby had been born.

"You must let me know the moment you know the baby's gender, I can't wait to go shopping and spoil my grandbaby." Lena squealed as she looked between Blaine and me.

Blaine and Liam both laughed while rolling their eyes. I smiled brightly at her, "We promise." I replied.

Blaine caught my gaze. "We should probably get going, the appointment is soon."

I nodded and grabbed his hand as we said our goodbyes to Lena and Liam. We walked towards the pack house, cutting through the woods where the infirmary was.

We were greeted by wolves the moment we stepped into the pack house, Blaine gently guided me down the corridor, opening the infirmary door as we strolled in to find George waiting, typing vigorously on his computer.

He turned, smiling at both of us but not quite reaching Blaine's gaze. "Good afternoon Alpha," He said before turning to me, "Luna." He greeted before gesturing to the hospital bed.

"Hello," I greeted back as I pulled myself onto the bed, carefully pulling my top up for the doctor to place some warm gel on my belly as Blaine stood next to me, facing the ultrasound machine screen waiting patiently for our baby to pop on the screen.

He had yet to see our baby properly, since the last appointment ended with my father's infirmary being destroyed.

This would be the first time Blaine would see our baby, I knew he was just as eager as me, but he always supressed his emotions.

It was rare to see him share any other emotion than anger.

"Alpha?" The pack doctor questioned, I looked up to see Blaine in deep thought, he was staring intently at the screen as George gently glided the ultra-scan device over my belly while pressing buttons on his computer.

Knocked out of his deep thoughts, he stared at the doctor. "Yes?"

"You both ready to know the gender?" George questioned with a grin on his face.

I looked at Blaine, a smile spreading across my face as I look to my mate.

Blaine grinned back making my smile even bigger.  

"Yes, we are." Blaine replied, a light laugh following as we both waited impatiently for the result.

My heart melted as I watched my mates reaction to our baby's gender.


- Not Edited-

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