Chapter 4 - My Prince Charming

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Aaron's house?!? What does she mean Aaron's house?
'What?!!' I managed to splutter out.

'I said, Aaron's house.' She muttered, her eyes focusing on the road.

'Why!?' I asked yelling.

'Because Liv.' She replied as she stopped at the traffic lights.

I suddenly felt panicked. 'What? Are you being serious? Because what?!.'

She sighed, her eyes filled with rage, 'Because I need some words with him, the absolute ugly piece of sh-'

I coughed cutting her off.

'Sorry darling, but if that... Carrot thinks he can cheat on my beautiful daughter with some scumbag and get away with it, he's got another thing coming!' She tapped her finger impatiently on the steering wheel.

'Wait, mum, what are you going to say? I can't be with you! That'll be too embarrassing for me! I can't face him like that! I will speak to him once I feel like speaking to him!!' I shouted as I waved my arms around, I breathed quickly, becoming nervous.

My mums eyes suddenly darted to my face, 'Oh honey, I didn't mean to scare you, or panic you, you don't have to come if you don't want to, but I really, really need to speak to him, I can't let him think it's okay.'

I fake smiled slightly, 'Thanks mum, but you really don't need to talk to him.'
My mum was scary when she was angry, and I mean like an evil scary. I can remember, when I was 8, some horrible women stole one of my mums fashion designs and sold it as her own. She had pretended to be my mums best friend, but really she was just in it for the money. It was a school night and I went downstairs to ask my mum to get a drink but there was shouting coming from the living room, I had peaked through the doorway to see mum screaming her head off at the women and she looked like she was ready to murder! And it was very scary!

'Oh, I'll do more than talk to him.' She muttered as she gritted her teeth.

'Mum.' I said blankly.

'Right, I'll drop you home, pick up Albert and then go to Aaron's house, okay?' She sighed thankfully as the lights finally turned green.

'Albert?!' I shouted.

Albert is one of my mums body guards, he is actually really, really nice deep down, but you do not want to get on his bad side trust me.

'Yes, Albert. Just incase.' She smiled sweetly.

'You can pick up Albert first, his house is only around the corner. I feel like walking home.' I said truthfully, I actually really wanted some fresh air.

'Oh honey, no, no, you can't walk, it's winter! You'll freeze!' Classic mum worry.

I quickly leaned over into the backseat and picked up my fluffy Parker coat, 'I'm always prepared.' I said as I raised my eyebrows.

My mum frowned in thought before she turned the car in the direction of Alberts house. 'Only if you're sure, sweetie.'

'Yup.' I replied.
'Do you want me to go and get him? You can stay in the warmth then.' I asked as we pulled up to his house.

'Oh, yes please darling. Right, have you got your key? I'll see you at the house later, I won't be long, love you.' She said as she kissed me on the cheek.

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