[1] Trouble In The Orphanage

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The monstrous flames engulfed the house with ease, hissing and crackling as it devoured its prey. The amber light that radiated from the inferno fell upon the only survivors as they huddled together.

The small child wailed in the arms of his older brother, everything he had ever known was burning before his very eyes. His mother, his father, and his home, all lost in the fire. All that was left for him was Oliver, and with that thought in mind he sobbed harder, his chest heaving up and down as he coughed loudly. After all Oliver had been the one to spark the flame that had eaten his parents, he told him he would be happier without their constant pestering and harsh discipline.

The Vivek family had always been unethical, they often thought it best to push their children towards perfection. Oliver had always been their favourite as their first born, he excelled in life, from his charming features to his incredible wit. Though he had his outbursts and odd behaviours they were nothing more than symptoms to blame on his unfortunate disorder. When Everett was born they wanted nothing more than for their sweet Evan to be just like his big brother. But no matter how often they struck him and washed his mouth with soap he was nothing like his brother, and Everett would always know that.


An orphanage had taken them in. It was a quiet and peculiar place, just two hours out of the city. Oliver, 10 at the time and Everett, 7, both stood in the large doorway of the common room. The orphans and workers alike blatantly stared at them, a range of emotions on their faces. Two brothers, one tall and lean, white blond hair and the most mesmerising eyes. The other, short and scrawny, his raven-head barely passing the hip of his elder brother.

"H-Hello," Everett mumbled nervously, his innocent honey eyes scanning over the rather well dressed children. The two were quite dirty, their clothes worn down and faces exhausted, and it could clearly be seen that the majority of Everett's upper torso was wrapped in bandages.

Everett let out a throaty cough, his tiny body shaking violently. Oliver, suddenly snapping out of whatever trance had ensnared him squatted by his side, offering him his handkerchief. Oliver knew his brother was unwell, he was sure it was the smoke that had gotten into the younger boy's lungs. After all, the fire had been quite tremendous. It had to be.

"Oh poor angels, come, come, let us clean you up," an old woman finally stepped forwards and beckoned the brothers towards her. When neither of them budged from place she came closer, reaching for little Everett, who hid his face in Oliver's side.

"No," Oliver snapped defensively, his voice mature for someone of his age. Oliver took a deep breath to calm himself before continuing, "I'll take care of him."

Rather surprised by his firm tone the woman nodded nevertheless and smiled, pointing towards a door she spoke: "the bathing room is in there, I'll fetch you both some clothes."


Everett fidgeted with the long sleeves of the oversized coat as he sat at the large dining table. Though the coat was intended to be for the elder brother Oliver had insisted that Everett wore it. After all he didn't want his little brother's condition worsening.

Everett was extremely upset, no one had tried to make friends with him. They'd take a glance at his brother, who had always been looming over him and turn tail and run. Even now some of the children scooted their chairs away from the two brothers who sat across from one another. Everett could even hear an older girl whispering cruel things about them while everyone took their places at the table.

Oliver needn't ask what was upsetting his brother, it was plainly obvious as the girl's shrill voice couldn't be ignored. She cackled and poked fun at Everett, speaking of how unsightly he was. Though it was true Oliver thought quite the opposite, he found that Evan's many flaws and asymmetric face was lovely and couldn't help but feel bitter at the sound of her jeering.

Once seated the orphans turned down their heads in prayer, Everett looked around puzzled by the sight, was he supposed to join in too? Warily he copied the other children, but opened one eye to look at his brother who smiled softly at him. Oliver held his index finger to his lip and winked at his younger brother, quietly sliding a knife off of the table and up his sleeve.


It was late, and there was only the faint murmur of the wind to be heard. Everett had woken to a cold bed, his brother's shadow slipping out the door. He fumbled out of bed, sleepily walking the halls in search of his elder brother.

He heard bumps, creaks and a then a crash, and he ran to investigate. Atop the girl who had been so cruel to poor Everett was his dearest brother. A bloodied knife plunged into her throat and his teeth sunk into her shoulder. He'd heard stories of vampires, werewolves and other ghoulish beings committing such acts. But never could he even imagine his own brother, tearing away at the flesh of another person.

His chest began to clench up, his breathing became rapid as he watched his brother feed on the girl. His teeth gnawing away at the muscle where her neck and shoulder met, panting and grunting as he went. The sound was disgusting, like a dog chomping on his favourite meaty treat. Evan felt sick in the stomach.

Oliver finally noticed his brother's presence when he fell to the floor coughing up phlegm and clutching his chest. The girl's body was weak from shock and blood loss, and Oliver was sure she wouldn't scream for help. "I-It's okay Everett." He turned to his brother; face and clothes smeared with blood. "I'm here n-now," he opened his arms and beckoned his little brother closer. Sweat coated his skin and one could see him twitch in a disturbing manner, inside his chest Oliver's heart fluttered, pounding loudly in his ears.

"N-no," Everett chocked on his words and began to cough harder than before, he was having a hard time breathing and his chest ached. Everett had only seen his brother like this once before, when he had hacked off the tail of the family cat, but even then it wasn't as bad as this. "Make it stop Ollie, it hurts," he sobbed, it was happening again.

Oliver wrapped his arms around his brother and sat him upright. He rested his forehead against his sibling's and stared into his eyes. Everett could smell the blood on him, though it was overwhelmed by the comforting scent of home that his brother always carried. A few moments was all it took for Everett to calm down in his brother's arms, he hugged Oliver back, burying his head beneath his chin, not minding that he was now stained by the girl's vital fluids.

"Come on Everett, it's time t-to go." 


[A/N] This is it! The very beginning of Everett and Oliver's lives as the manic duo you'll come to know them as. I'd like to add that this happened 10 years ago, and will be mentioning how long ago each past event happened until we reach the present, just to clear up any confusion. The 'Disorder' that Oliver is mentioned to have is called Intermittent Explosive Disorder, (or IED for short), and any way that it is portrayed in this book will most likely not be accurate, so please do not view it as such. That's all for now, don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you again next time! :)

~ Fawn ❤

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