[10] Shatter

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Everett threw the first punch, Laitus only realising when it was too late that it had been a feint. Evan followed through, swiping at Laitus' side with the serrated blade he gripped tightly in his hand and glancing Laitus' torso.

Laitus was used to it all, barely reacting to the stinging pain in his side as he pounced onto his opponent. He wrapped his hand around Everett' arm, squeezing it harshly until he released the blade and it clattered to the floor. Evan kicked at his shins as he was lifted off his feet and his back was slammed into the counter, causing him to lurch forwards and yelp.

"Get off me!" He growled, throwing useless punches to Laitus' chest. Evan knew that Laitus had not once used his full strength on him, even now he held himself back, refusing to give into his anger. Laitus struck him, the force of the hit swinging his head and bloodying his nose, he suddenly felt light headed again as his head spun. "I'll kill you!" He spat, the blood from his mouth spraying onto Laitus' face with every word.

Laitus' face screwed up in pain as Everett landed a kick to his groin; he dropped him, cussing loudly as he cradled his privates. "You little shit!" Laitus shouted, finally allowing his anger to slip through his voice. Evan got his hands on the knife once more, but let out an ear piercing shriek as Laitus' foot came down on his fingers.

Everett couldn't take this anymore, his body wouldn't let him. His chest tightened and he began to wheeze, curling himself up Evan coughed into his hands, peering down to find them coated in blood and phlegm. Teary eyed he looked up to see Laitus towering over him, he started to sob, he could no longer fight him off, he was exhausted and sore; his body ached and his head pounded.

Neither of them had heard the jangling of keys but when the door slammed open their heads whipped towards it. Still in his work uniform Oliver was not expecting the scene before him, but was quick to spring into action. "Everett are you alright?" He asked, not taking his attention off of Laitus.

He couldn't answer as he attempted to catch his breath on the floor between coughs.

"Look at the mess you've made, there's blood everywhere." Ollie scolded Laitus as he glanced around the kitchen, catching sight of his discarded knife. Anger washed over his face as he noticed how filthy it had become. "Everett," Evan caught on straight away to what his brother wanted and kicked the blade across the tiles.

"Which body part do you fancy most? I'll be sure to save it for last," he snarled lunging at Laitus and cutting into his shirt. The intruder sprung backwards, saving himself from spilling his guts and picking Everett up by the scruff hastily.

"Another step and I snap his neck," Laitus barked holding Everett in front of him, he didn't want to take his chances with the brother just yet.

Oliver bared his teeth like a wild animal; they were jagged and chipped, as if he'd attempted to sharpen them to a point. "Put him down!" He roared in a guttural voice, almost stepping towards the pair until Laitus gave Everett's arm a squeeze, a small reminder. Oliver felt powerless, he stood in his own apartment, clutching his own knife in his hands until his knuckles turned white, with his own brother held hostage before him, and he didn't like it one bit.

Everett was back in the fight once again, the sight of his beloved brother giving him hope. He flung his head back, colliding with Laitus' nose, this time Laitus didn't let go; instead he wrapped his arm around Evan's throat and bent his neck awkwardly. "If you don't cut it out I'll cut this off," Laitus hissed into Everett's ear, abruptly grabbing a hold of his crouch. The boy jumped, his eyes wide with fright.

"I'm leaving with Evan, move." Laitus ordered, advancing on the door.

"No way that's happening," Oliver retorted and raised his blade. Laitus gave him a pointed look, Oliver knew he was at a disadvantage and was in no position to be arguing, put he persisted anyway. "You give me my brother and leave, and I'll consider not hunting your ass down."

Laitus smirked as he carried Everett's struggling form towards the exit, not buying into Oliver's threats as he concentrated on holding Evan still. "If you take one step out of that fucking door your life's going to become a living hell," Oliver threatened, his temper wearing thin. But Laitus thought nothing of it, and with that the door slammed shut, leaving the fuming cannibal to his lonesome.

It had been years since Oliver had felt so angry, a startling screech left his lips and the knife he once held was flung at the door. With a 'thunk' the blade wedged itself in the timber and Oliver whirled around, swinging his foot into a small trash can and sending it flying towards the wall. That bastard would pay.


[A/N] Grumpy little Oliver is a grumpster in this short but eventful chapter. As always don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time! :)

~ Fawn

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