Chapter 9

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We entered a room and a lady behind the desk looked startled as she saw me. She smiled at Diane, "Hello Diane, how are you doing today?"

Diane kept walking towards her, "I am doing well Nancy, thank you."

"Who is your new friend?"

I mostly hid behind Diane while she talked to the lady. Diane responded, "This is Laura. We just found her so we are here to see if she needs any vitamins or anything else. I am not sure if you wanted us to shower first or not. I do not have any spare clothes for her though."

I had a dress in my backpack. I was just about to speak when the nurse responded, "No need to shower first, I can give her a look over as she is. Then you can head for a shower and I will bring her some new clothes to wear until she visits the supply storage area."

Nancy led us to a room on the side and I followed behind Diane. They seemed to know one another pretty well, but I still wasn't sure about the energetic nurse. Diane closed the door behind us and seemed to be closely inspecting the room.

Nancy crouched down, "Hi there sweetie, I am just going to give you a check over. Can you please take off your shirt and pants for me?"

I don't recall anyone ever calling me sweetie before. Why did she want me to undress in this room? I looked up at Diane nervously. She smiled and nodded reassuringly, "It's okay Laura, everyone who comes here has the nurses look at them. I have done this many times."

I nodded and started to take my shirt and pants off. What had Diane done that she had needed to visit the nurses so many times? I guess if angels were often helping people in trouble that they were bound to get injured eventually.

Nancy came forward with a smile, "I am just going to pick you up and stand you on top of this table, okay?"

I nodded nervously and she put her hands under my arms and picked me up so I could stand on the table. My shoes were still damp from the snow, I had a hard time understanding why I was allowed to stand on a table without taking my shoes off. The lady didn't seem to even notice, "Does any part of your body hurt? A scratch or a bruise?"

I shook my head. The worst injury I had during the last few weeks was a paper cut.

Nancy nodded with a smile, "Okay, I am just going to feel your ribs and stomach, okay?"

I nodded, trying to hide my unease. I felt more like hiding than anything else. I don't recall being this nervous around people before Mom got sick. I really hoped that I wasn't getting sick. She started feeling my ribs and gently poking my stomach. She touched my sides and I couldn't restrain a giggle. Nancy chuckled and moved her hands away from my ticklish sides.

Before too long she stepped back with a grin, "Everything looks good. Possibly a bit of malnutrition, but nothing a week or so of decent food shouldn't fix. I will get you some vitamins though, just in case. Thank you Laura, you can get dressed now."

Diane stepped forward and held out her hand. I grabbed it and she helped me jump down to the floor so I could put my clothes back on. The room was a bit chilly. We left the room and went to a small sitting area. Diane and I sat on a big fluffy couch. Nancy dug around in a drawer and grabbed a lollipop, she came back and held it out for me, "Here you go, for being such a good girl."

It reminded me of the food in my house. I had absolutely no desire to eat it. I shook my head and politely declined, "Thank you, but I have already had too much candy this week."

Mom had always said that people usually didn't like to give kids too much sugar, so this should work in my favor. I almost laughed at the disbelief that crossed Nancy's face. She had obviously not expected me to decline candy. Diane was less restrained and chuckled freely at Nancy's expression. I heard her dig through her backpack that sat near her feet. I turned to watch her.

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