Chapter 36

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I missed Agatha. This new teacher didn't smile nearly as much. It was our first day in class and Elisa and Mark didn't seem as happy as usual either. I worked out the math problems in front of me. They were pretty easy compared to what Diane asked me to do, but they were much more boring.

Diane somehow made math fun, much to my amazement since I never did like math. She said math was important though, so I was determined to learn it. A man knocked on the doorframe and I blinked in surprise at him as the teacher went to greet him.

His badge was that of a Mechanic, but I had never seen him before to the best of my knowledge. Diane and I had met quite a few Mechanics since the buses were having such problems starting with the old gas. It would only be several months before they would no longer start at all. Many groups were starting to use horses already.

The teacher asked him to help me and I shifted nervously. I had never done well with strangers and, although Diane said that the stranger danger had mostly passed, I was very uneasy. My shyness was not helping in that area either.

He sat down beside me and I shifted away a bit. I couldn't help it. I continued working through the problems, unsure why this new teacher had asked him to help me. I was doing fine, it was Elisa that really needed extra help with her addition and subtraction.

He occasionally spoke to me to give me hints if I paused to think about a problem or ask questions. I never replied to his questions. He didn't seem overly surprised by my silence. I kept half an eye on him the entire time as I lined up a dozen escape routes like Rick had taught me.

He wasn't a zombie though, so if he lunged for me I would have a very hard time escaping. Diane had taught me a few unorthodox moves against adults, particularly men, that I was only to use in an emergency. If they didn't work, I would be in deep trouble.

After an hour the man left the room. I sighed in relief, my nerves were practically worn out from his close proximity for so long. The teacher commented, "He will be back tomorrow to help you."

I blinked in confusion, "Why? I did most of it myself. Perhaps he can help Elisa with her subtraction."

With luck, he would never return. I would have to ask Diane to see if he was someone I had to worry about. The teacher shook her head, "He is only coming to help you. The sooner you get used to him the better."

I was completely confused now, "Why?"

"He and his wife are hoping to adopt you. It would be much better for you to stay in the base. A child should never go past those gates anyways."

I inhaled in shock, but tried to remain polite, "No, thank you. Diane is my guardian and I will stay with her."

The teacher shook her head with irritation, "She shouldn't be. She was bitten and is far too dangerous for anyone to be around, let alone a child."

That made me mad. "Don't talk about her like that!" I exclaimed.

She scowled at me, "She should have never been made your guardian in the first place. You would be better off with someone else who stays in the Fort."

I stood up angrily, "You are mean. I am not going to talk to you until you apologize for what you said."

She turned her head away from me with a huff. She obviously wasn't about to apologize. I went over to the small table in the far corner and turned my back to her. Elisa and Mark were sitting in shocked silence.

The day passed slowly. The teacher ignored me as I gave her the cold shoulder. I wasn't about to give in. I couldn't believe that she wanted me to leave Diane. Even the Base Commander had given his go ahead for me to go with her. I really didn't like this teacher.

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