Chapter 10: Poison Kisses

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Warning: Sexual assault scene.

Kelly screamed at the top of her lungs.

"PLEASE LET ME GO AND LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE." She cried as she got up onto her disabled leg as quick as possible. She stumbled and he grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Oh Kelly where are you going?" He chuckled and swung her round so her face was close to his. She didn't really recognise him at first but then remembered how he starred at her in the hut, how much evil she could see through his eyes.

"Now now, its not so bad is it?" He pushed her up against a tree and dug his hands into either arm. "Your so pretty Kelly, it would a shame to waste your beautiful looks." Sighing, he tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

"You evil prick, let me go!" Kelly spat in his face and struggled against his force. He dug his hands in further till Kelly started to cry.

"Does it look like I'm giving you in Kelly? I am being nice to you" He said harshly.

"Please let me go! Ill never tell anybody." Kelly cried desperately.

Declan leaned in close to her left ear.

"We can have some fun"  he chuckled and started to kiss her neck. Kelly tried to reach away from his warm mouth which was now making its way to her chest.                                                      "Please" Kelly whispered desperately as he ripped open her button top with his mouth.

"Get down." Declan came up for air and suddenly forced Kelly onto the forest floor.

She cried as he pushed her onto the ground.

He sat on top of her and laughed as she tried to struggle under his weight.

"Just lay back, relax and enjoy" Declan hastily started to kiss her again and took down her jeans.

She couldn't even breathe, tears streaming down her face she could barely even notice the wincing pain as he pulled down her jeans over her cut.

Declan undid his belt and laughed again as he got up for air.

Kelly just lied their, looking at the trees in the distance. She wondered if the birds flying past noticed what was happening. She hoped that Max would come round the corner and knock Declan out with a stone. But he never did.

She could only cry as he pounded on top of her.

When he was done he got up and tightened his belt. Laughing to himself he stood back up and looked down at Kelly.

"If I find you again Kelly, I wont think twice about handing you in" Declan picked up her bag and found the last biscuit, he didn't hesitate to eat it as he started walking in the other direction.

"Your lucky." He called as he disappeared back into the woods.

Kelly lifted up her jeans and rolled over onto her side. She couldn't stop crying.

He left her on the floor with no dignity. She was dirty where his hands had touched her. Her top was no longer wearable and the cut on her leg was worse.

But he's right, she thought.

She was lucky to be alive.


Wow this chapter was a difficult one to write ehhhhh I am basically crying right now :( But do not fear! Keep on reading to find out what happens next! xoxo

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