Chapter Seven

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  "Class," the high school art teacher said. "This is Ms. Lily she's is going to be teaching you today, so you better listen or I will give you homework over break."

"Hi," I smiled looking at the class of thirteen kids. "I don't usually teach classes like this, so bare with me for now."

"So are you like a artist?" A little blonde/blue haired girl asked.

"Yes and no," I chuckled. "I'm more of a decorator. I own Lily's Designs, I enjoy painting for fun. Being an artist can mean many things like art, drama, or dance are a few idea's of being an artist."

"Cool," she smiled. "I'm Bailey."

"Nice to meet you Bailey," I smiled. "Anyway, I'm decorating the kids wing at the hospital and I was hoping you all could help."

"With what?" A red haired girl snapped, "Kids aren't supposed to do an adults work."

"Your right," I said turning to the chalkboard. "I want you to create an price of art that expresses hope, joy and dreams. Something to make the kids that are at the hospital smile."

"And if we don't want to do that?" red asked.

"Then you get an F for this assignment," the teacher said. "This will count as fifty percent of your grade for this semester now get to work."

"Thanks," I smiled as we sat on our stools and started working on our piece.

"Hi," someone said from behind me. "I'm looking for the owner?"

"I'm the owner," I said setting my pencil down looking up to see Bailey, Arizona and another girl. "Hi, can I help you?"

"We are going shopping for some new dresses for the fundraiser and we were hoping you would go with." Arizona said.

"What fundraiser?" I asked, " And I'm not a people person."

"It for the the Navy veteran that just moved back home," Bailey said. "My Uncle worked with him and wants to help get him comfortable back at home. It'd be really awesome if you could come."

"I don't know," I mumbled biting my lip.

"Why are you girls harassing my niece?"

"Hi Uncle," I smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to see if you wanted to get some lunch," he chuckled. "But it looks like I got here just in time to save you from these crazy girls."

"We were just asking if she wanted to go shopping for some new clothes for the fundraiser Saturday," the other girl said. "Your still coming, right Doc?"

"Yes Willow," he sighed. "Lily, are you going?"

"I don't have anything planned for Saturday," I shrugged. "But I don't want to be left alone in a place full of people I don't know."

"I can introduce you to everyone," Willow said. "It'll give you a chance to meet people in town and get more business."

"You don't let up do you," I giggled. "I just have to call David and let him know I'm taking off."

"Is he your boyfriend?" Bailey asked.

"No," I chuckled. "He's one of my best friends and my business partner. Who is off on a job right now so just give me a few minutes."

"Just meet us outside," Arizona said pulling the other two girls out the the door with her.

"Lily," Uncle said. "This fundraiser it will have a lot of people that will scare you. Their bikers."

"I figured," I sighed. "I've seen a lot of them around town and my neighbor is one. Besides if I go to this I can stay in town and not go to Tommy's party he has planned for the same day."

"That boy is crazy," Uncle said. "Honey, I should probably tell you that."

"I know your a biker," I said and his eyes widened. "I figured that out when I stayed at your house for dinner, your leather vest was in the bathroom."

"How do you feel about that?" He asked.

"I know you would never hurt me," I said with a small smile. "You have raised me since I was ten and have always protected me, so I'm okay with it just don't expect me to be excited about all the other biker's in town."

"I would never expect that," he smiled. "Go on your shopping trip, we'll get lunch another time."

"Love you," I smiled kissing his cheek, grabbing my phone and bag before running out the door.

"You have to pick something out," Arizona said.

"I haven't seen anything I like," I pointed out as we walked out of twelfth store. "Besides I have a closet full of clothes."

"That doesn't count," she said.

"Aunt Willow, is it okay if I shop some more with Ms. Lily?" Bailey said, "I can meet you guys at the dance studio after I show her one more shop."

"That's fine," Willow smiled grabbing Arizona's arm. "See you in a little bit."

"Come on," Bailey smiled pulling to the elevator. "I only agreed to come shopping because I wanted to go to one shop. I love coming to her when I need something specifically made."

"What's the name of the shop?" I asked following her down the walk to a little corner shop, "Ms. Angelica's Fashion, I've never heard of it before."

"Most people haven't," a pink haired girl said. "Hello Bailey. What can I help you with today?"

"We need something for the fundraiser fundraiser Uncle Blake and Nana are setting up Saturday," Bailey said. "Oh and I came to invite you."

"Go on and look over there Bailey I got some new clothes in the other day."

"Cool," Bailey squealed running over to a rack of clothes.

"I think I have the perfect thing for you," she said. "I'm Angelica by the way."

"Lily," I smiled following her to the back.

"Wait here," Angelica smiled. "I found this in a yard sale and the previous owner said her daughter hated it because it wasn't the latest style dress she wanted, so this is sort of old style."

"I love it," I smiled. "It's beautiful and simple, and I have the right pair of shoes to go with it."

"I'll bring it up then," she laughed. "I bet Bailey has already found her dress."

"Hey," I said following her to the register. "Every Friday night I have a movie marathon, would you like to join me? I'm usually the only at my house so I figured..."

"I would love to come," Angelica smiled. "What's your address or I can meet you at your workplace."

"You can meet me at my office," I laughed. "I own Lily's Designs, down on main St."

"I know where that is," she smiled. "I'll see you around five thirty, if that's okay."

"That's good," I smiled as Bailey ran up with a couple of dresses.

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