Chapter 17

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It was early in the morning, before the day started for most, but gathered at the gates were close to a hundred people.

Many of the people present were there to show support for their child or sibling who was about to leave for a long trip to the Sand Village. Kanoko couldn't place them all, but she counted at least ten teams, not including the rookies, gathered here.

"Kanoko!" Kanoko turned around, hearing her name. Naruto ran over to her, waving as usual. "Man I am so pumped! This is going to be awesome! I'm going to pass this test, placing first, and showing that bastard Sasuke that I'm the best! Believe it! And then, they'll have to give me the Hokage's position! The old man's going to be like..."

Kanoko tuned Naruto out. When he got on a rant like this, there was no stopping it. Better to just wait it out. Kanoko looked over to the Uchiha, who, coincidently wasn't standing too far away from Naruto and Kanoko. Sasuke looked over at Naruto and Kanoko. He gave Kanoko a nod before turning around to his team.

"Shikamaru managed to convince them, huh?" Kanoko thought.

"-Oh Sakura-chan!" Naruto waved Sakura over. She walked over slowly, looking a little uncertain as she stared at Sasuke.

Kanoko raised an eyebrow, "Is everything alright?"

Sakura just looked at Sasuke again before turning to Kanoko, "H-Hai."

"Well, well, well, look what we have hear? Who dragged the forehead in?"

Kanoko sighed, "It's too early for a Sakura/Ino incident." Suddenly feeling the need to call the situation "troublesome".

"Troublesome... It's too early for this Ino." Shikamaru told her, strolling up slowly, on the same page with his sister.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the three stooges!" Naruto laughed at Team 10.

Kanoko smirk, taking enjoyment in the insult – if the shoe fits...

"Why you! Ah, whatever, you're not worth it." Her brother said, turning his head in irritation.

Before Naruto could respond, Kanoko called out, "Naruto. Remember what I told you?" Naruto sulked before nodding and crossing his arms.

At this point, Team 8 decided to join in on the commotion, "G-Good morning, N-Nar-ruto-kun..." Hinata squeaked out, pressing her fingers together.

"Well, it looks like the whole band's here!" Kiba shouted. Akamaru agreed with a bark.

Kanoko looked at her brother, then at her team, then to the group. She closed her eyes and smirk before looking pass the gates.

Soon they would all be in Wind Country.



Kanoko jerked her head to the sound.

"A ninja like you is never going to make chunin!" A large kid said, knocking down a green clad ninja.

"That ninja... He reminds me of someone..." Kanoko thought looking at the ninja with the bowl cut, trying to remember.

"Hey! Knock it off!"

"Oh Naruto... Why do you always have to be the hero..."Kanoko gave Naruto's back a deadpan look.

"Naruto! Wait!" Sakura exclaimed, chasing after Naruto.

Naruto grabbed the large ninja by his collar, "Who do you think you are?! Telling him that he can't make chunin!" The rest of the rookie nine walked up at this point, interested in the scene.

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