Chapter 21

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He watched the leaves dance in front of his face as he approached his brother. He was on top of the Hokage's office, looking down at the village.

"I'm a little surprised to find you here. Normally you watch the village from the mountainside." He told his brother from behind.

His brother turned around, long dark hair moving slightly with the wind, and with a sincere smile, he said, "Tobirama! I'm just taking a break is all..."

Tobirama crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, "Hashirama. This is no time for breaks. We are just finishing up treaties with the newly formed nations, not to mention the work that must be done to finalize the village's structure. I firmly believed in a learning facility for the young to build their skills and form unity among the clans, but I can't remain as its only instructor."

Hashirama gave his broody brother a sheepish look, scratching the back of his head, "Haha! But you're so good at it! Everyone says so!"

Tobirama gave him a pointed look, "Certainly, but that doesn't mean I enjoy it." Tobirama's voice got darker, "One of them wiped his nose on me. Allow me to repeat that: hewiped his NOSE on ME."

Hashirama held his stomach as he laughed at his little brother's face. He stood up straighter as he heard approaching footsteps.


Tobirama turned around to see three of his students run up to him with large smiles on their face.

The boy with glasses spoke first, excited, "Sensei! It was amazing! Hiruzen-san hit the bullseye!" Tobirama raised an eyebrow with a slight smile before turning to the spikey haired boy, "Is that so, Hiruzen?"

Hiruzen shook his head with a large grin while rubbing the bottom of his nose. Tobirama's face softened as he reached out to ruffle Hiruzen's hair. With his hand still on his head, Tobirama said, "Good job. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you sensei!" Hiruzen exclaimed, overjoyed, before all three ran away to train.

Tobirama watched them leave with a peaceful expression and a small smile on his face.

"I think you like being a sensei more than you would admit." His brother told him, coming up from behind.

Tobirama closed his eyes, "Perhaps."




Kanoko's eyes opened slowly. As her vision starting clearing, she stared at the ceiling. She continued to think about her dream – her memory. Her brother... She missed him more than she would be willing to admit. He was the light of the village and to her clan.

She wondered, not for the first time, if that made her the dark...

And then remembering Hiruzen, Koharu, and Homura as children – before they were even genin...

Shaking shook her head lightly, pushing the memory away. She didn't want to think of those times.

Those times were gone.

Sitting up and groaning slightly, she looked around the room. She was in a basic hospital bed, but it didn't look like a hospital room. She held her abdomen as she slide her legs off of the bed and put on her shoes.

"It's odd. I thought I would at least see Naruto or Sakura around." Kanoko thought, closing her eyes and trying to remember. She remembered winning the match with Lee – just barely, before her teammates ran over to her.

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