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His room was dark. Looking over at his clock, he was shocked to see it was only eight in the morning. Nico's alarm hadn't gone off, but a knocking on his door had woken him up. He mumbled something that vaguely sounded like 'come in' before burying his head back under the blanket. His room was freezing.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead. Power's out, there is a huge snowstorm, most of the roads are closed."

"Why aren't you at school?"

"Did you not understand any of what I just said? Roads are closed, school is cancelled, which means Christmas break is officially here. Now get up, get up, get up." Will had yanked the covers back and gasped. "You have a tattoo?" He exclaimed.

Nico quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled it on, covering the ink. "Yes. Now why did you wake me up this early?"

"Because there is only ten days until Christmas." Will said matter of factly, as if that would magically explain everything to Nico. At his blank stare, Will continued. "There's only ten days until Christmas and we don't have a single decoration set up in this place. I took the liberty of purchasing some from the dollar store the other day, and seeing as it's break, I figured today would be the perfect day to do it."

Nico knew there was no way he was going to get out of this. "Fix me up with six cups of coffee and we're good."

"Power is out, no coffee." Will said before practically dancing out of his bedroom in excitement. Nico had no idea how anyone could possibly had that much energy in the morning. He was also not prepared to face the day with no caffeine.

"You do know those things will kill you? I thought you cared about your body." Will said jokingly, seeing Nico drinking a Monster he had scavenged from a cupboard.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. How are you even functioning right now?"

"It's called not staying up until two in the morning. You should try it sometime."

"I actually stayed up till four, and it's not like I do it willingly. So before you decide to tease me, just remember I only had four hours of sleep last night." Nico's attitude was never great in the mornings. Once he had downed the energy drink however, he was his normal self again.

Nico scrounged together a cold breakfast for them, though he would have preferred something warm seeing as the heat was off and the flat felt like it was made of ice.

"How long have you had your tattoo?" Will was curious. It was a larger piece done on the left side of Nico's ribcage. His skin looked like it was torn open and you could see gears through the ribs. It looked amazing on him, and he wasn't sure why Nico always covered it.

"I got it six years ago. Are you planning on going home for Christmas?" Nico answered, and tried moving the conversation in a different direction.

"Wait six years ago, that means you were...what, sixteen or seventeen? Isn't that too young to get a tattoo?"

Nico sighed. Apparently Will wasn't dropping that tattoo thing. "I was eighteen, which is a perfectly legal age to get a tattoo."
"You're older than me? Since when?" Will was surprised. He thought he was older, or at least the same age as each other.

"Since birth. That's how ages work. Look, are you going home for Christmas or not?"

"Are you?" Will countered.

Flatmates - Solangelo AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum