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He couldn't handle it. Nico didn't get any sleep after he got back from classes. He stayed up all night drawing, trying to clear his mind, but nothing worked. At about five on Monday morning he quietly left the apartment to go for a walk and ended up completely lost three hours later. Hazel never made a big deal about his birthday because she understood how much he hated that day.

His phone had died, so he didn't have his gps on him, and he had no idea how to get back. He cursed and kicked a wall before trying to take a deep breath and figure out what to do. He hadn't planned on being out his long, and he certainly didn't plan on getting lost. After what happened the other day, Will would probably be worried when Nico wasn't anywhere to be found or answering his phone. And then he would get Hazel involved and she would just to the worst-case scenario. That wasn't something anyone needed.

At least the sun had risen and the air had warmed up. Nico spotted a convenience store up ahead so he headed there to see if he could use the phone or at least get some coffee. The only person in the store was a younger looking girl, with her hair blonde tied up in a knot on the top of her head. Her ears were covered in metal, and there was a needle sticking through her eyebrow. She was looking in a mirror she had placed in front of her on the counter, lips pursed in concentration, not even flinching at the sound of Nico entering.

Nico coughed awkwardly, drawing her attention. "Sorry!" The girl, whose nametag read 'Meg' called out, shoving everything aside to make room on the counter.

Nico tried to avoid staring at the needle sticking through her face, and the slight tinge of blood around it. "Um, can I use a phone?" He asked, and she nodded, rummaging around underneath the counter for a minute before handing the phone over. Nico mumbled a thanks and headed out of earshot, dialing the flat number, hoping Will was still at home. Several rings later as he was about to give up, he heard a voice.

"Solace-di Angelo household, how may I help you?"

"That's how you answer a phone?" Nico smiled.

"I didn't even know we had a phone. Where are you? You disappeared this morning." Will sounded worried.

"I may be just a tad lost? I went for a walk this morning, and my phone died. I'm at some gas station off of Gogh. Do you know the place by any chance and have a vehicle to come rescue me?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in half an hour. You okay?" Will asked seriously, and Nico wished Will couldn't read him so well. It made pretending difficult.

Nico sighed and looked up to the roof for a moment. "No." He whispered, and then hung up. He took a moment to recollect himself, before heading back to the front to return the phone. There wasn't a coffee machine in the store so instead of waiting awkwardly around with the girl who was once again engrossed in her piercing, he headed back outside to wait for Will.

He wasn't even sure how much time had passed when he heard Will's truck pull up. Nico got in, not saying anything, and thankfully Will remained silent the entire drive home as well. Nico went straight to his room, crawling into bed and trying his hardest to shut everything out of his mind.

"Hey Nico," Will called out softly from the other side of the door. "Can I come in?" At Nico's approval, he pushed open the door, letting light into the dark room. "I have some coffee here if you want it, decaf, and an apple." Will placed them on the side table and Nico didn't reach for them. "I'd like you to at least try. I understand that it's not always easy for you, but I hate seeing you like this."

"If I eat the apple will you leave me alone?" Nico bargained.

"Well, seeing as how an apple a day keeps the doctor away, I don't see why not, but I'll be by again after my shift to bring you supper. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Will asked, refraining himself from brushing the piece of hair that had slipped and covered Nico's eye out of the way.

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