What Happened after Stalker-part 2

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Nick, Greg, and Cathrine were in the break room talking. Emma Grace was behind Grissom when he opened the door to the break room.

"Nick, there's someone here to see you," Grissom said cautiously. Cathrine gave Grissom a curious look, but Grissom just ignored it.

"Who would be here?" Nick asked, and he sounded just a little nervous.

Emma Grace heard the nervousness in Nick's voice, and she decided she couldn't wait for Mr. Grissom to tell Nick. Emma Grace stepped out from behind Mr. Grissom and said with a smile on her face, "Just your best friend, Nicky."

Nick stood there in shock with his mouth open. He couldn't believe Emma Grace was in Las Vegas, Nevada, much less standing in front of him. The realization that Emma Grace was here because he was hurt and worried about him hit him, and he felt like he could cry. The only word Nick could get out was "Gracie."

Emma Grace heard the soft shaking in Nick's voice, and she couldn't restrain herself anymore. She quickly made her way over to Nick and gently wrapped her arms around him.

Nick wrapped his good arm around Emma Grace as fast as he could. He didn't realize how happy he was to have someone from home close to him.

"Gracie, I didn't even notice all the signs that I was being stalked," Nick whispered to Emma Grace with a shaky voice full of emotions.

"Nicky, it's okay. He's gone now, and he isn't going to hurt you anymore," Emma whispered back gently rubbing his back.

Emma Grace slowly backed away from Nick and saw a younger man watching them with a confused look on his face. Emma also saw an older woman with an amused and curious look on her face. "Sorry Y'all," Emma Grace said with a nervous laugh.

"Oh, Greg, Catherine, this is Emma Grace. I grew up with her in Texas," Nick said smiling.

"It's nice to meet you," Catherine said extending her hand to Emma Grace.

"It's nice to meet you too Catherine," Emma said shaking hands with the older woman.

"Um, Hi, I'm Greg Sanders," Greg said awkwardly shaking hands with Emma Grace.

"Nice to meet you, Greg," Emma said smiling and shaking Greg's hand.

"Emma, what are you doing here?" Nick asked smiling at the awkwardness with Greg and Emma Grace.

"I'm here to bring you home, with strict orders from Bill might I add, even if I have to calf-tie you and drag you back," Emma Grace said letting her southern accent come out and putting her hands on her hips.

"Gracie, I have work that I have to do here," Nick said.

"Nicholas, don't you dare start that with me. I know you have two weeks of paid vacation. Now, you're going to get your things, we are going to fly to Texas, and you are going to stay home and celebrate your niece's birthday. Do I make myself clear?" Emma Grace said while crossing her arms and showing everyone she meant business.

"I like her," Catherine said laughing at the way Nick seemed almost afraid of Emma Grace.

"He has good reason to be scared of me," Emma Grace said with a smirk aimed at Nick.

"What did you do to him?" Greg asked with a look of shock on his face.

"You don't even want to know Greggo, you don't want to know," Nick said with a smirk aimed at Emma Grace.

"Well Nick, I believe you are in good hands now, and I take it that we will be seeing you in two weeks," Grissom said smiling.

"It seems that way," Nick said not taking his eyes off of Emma Grace.

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