Rashomama and Caught

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(AN: takes place before, during, and after season 6; episode 21 "Rashomama.")

"Nick, Honey, do you mind dropping the girls off at school?" Emma Grace was sitting on the couch with a legal pad in her lap and cookbooks scattered on the coffee table. She was planning the meal for Emily and Joshua's high school graduation in a couple of weeks.

Nick's two oldest sisters, Sandra and Donna, were at the house helping Emma Grace with the preparations for the party. Sandra was working on the list of where everyone was going to sleep while Donna worked out the ideas for decorations. Since Emma Grace was thirty-three weeks pregnant, the Stokes family had decided to have the twins' graduation in Vegas so that Emma wouldn't have to travel to Texas and be uncomfortable.

"Of course, Sweetheart." Nick stood up and made his way into the kitchen. He put his empty coffee cup in the dishwasher before turning to his foster daughters who were eating their breakfast at the kitchen table.

"Are you two ready for school?" Nick asked as he walked over and kissed both girls on the forehead.

"Yeah, Dad. I just have to grab my backpack," seven, almost-eight-year-old Marie said getting up from the table and heading to the girls' bedroom.

"I'm ready to go Dad. I just need to put my bowl in the dishwasher and tell Mama bye," seven-year-old Katlin said as she put her dish in the dishwasher and grabbed her backpack off the chair.

"Okay, Pumpkins, go tell your mom and aunts bye and let's go." Katlin came out of the bedroom with her backpack, and both girls went into the living room distributing hugs and kisses to Sandra, Donna, and Emma. 

Nick joined the girls in the living room and gave Emma Grace a kiss on the lips. "Love you."

"Love you too." Emma gave Nick another kiss.

Nick gave each of his sisters a kiss on the cheek. Then, he walked out of the house each girl holding one of his hands.

Nick had parked his car at the drop-off curb of the school, helping Marie and Katlin out of the car when Grissom called him to a crime scene.

"Gris, I'm dropping the girls off at school. I can be at the scene in ten minutes unless you need me to go get my department car," Nick informed his friend and boss.

"No. That's okay Nicky. Just come to the crime scene after you drop the girls off. Tell them I hope they have a good day at school," Grissom replied.

"Okay, girls," Nick started as he hung up his phone. "I have to go to work, but Mama or one f your aunts will pick you up. Uncle Grissom wanted me to tell both of you to have a good day at school." 

Nick got down on his knees in front of his daughters. "Come give me a hug, and be good." Both girls rushed into his open arms. Nick placed a kiss on both girls' foreheads. "Love you."

"Love you too, Daddy," both girls replied. Nick stood up and watched as his girls went to meet their teachers. He climbed into his car and called Emma Grace to tell her he had been called into work as he headed for the crime scene.


Nick felt bad for the couple since death would be associated with their wedding. However, he couldn't stop the smile that crossed his face as he walked through the tunnel of white roses. 

Nick had not tried to propose to Emma Grace again. He had promised her he would wait until their daughter was born before he asked her to marry him again. But, they had been talking about their wedding lately and what they wanted it to look like. 

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