Chapter 15 - Ice Princess

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Valentine Regens

"What do you mean you're lying?" I bursted angrily to Joey

"I will never stop bothering you" I looked at him disbelief.. I lose and I still have to bare with his crap?

"Argh I hate you!" I flew my fist to him but he easily catch it

"There there Valentine" I'm so pissed.. beyond piss to be exact

"You're a real asshole"

"I am thankyou" He smirked and I walked back first. I turned to see Joey still there sitting on the rock. Argh curse him! I walked back to my tent and sleep immediately.

"Val.. Val.. Mr. Yorkberg is calling" I opened my eyes immediately. I ran out form my tent because I have to make breakfast alone.. I lose the bet with Joey

Today's menu is a damn pancake.. shit! I have to make this alone. I sighed and started making it. Today I won't talk to Joey.. I swear with my life

"Why are you alone?" I turned to see Harry stand beside me and rubbing his eyes

"I lose a bet with Joey so I have to do this alone , he's probably still sleeping"

"I saw him walking with Natalia earlier and I thought he already here because I went to the toilet aftr I saw him"

"Where is he going?"

"I don't know.." Harry answered

After that Harry helped me and I can't be more thankful because I don't if he doesn't help me. Cassy and Floren came to help too. Thank God..

After finish , I sit down facing the small path where I walked to go with Joey. Waiting for Leah to come..

"Val , Mr. Yorkberg picked me and some of students to be he leader of the game. I have to discuss things with them.. I can't eat with you" Leah said and I nodded understand. She ran away with the others..

"Can I sit here?" I looked up see Harry

"Of course" I smiled

"Thankyou for helping me Harry.. really , I don't know what would I do without you" I said and he smiled. Suddenly my eyes landed on Joey who came out from that small path with Natalia.

I felt being stabbed.. how can he bring a girl there to our place?

"Val? Are you okay?" Harry asked and I nodded

"Val are you free this Saturday?" He suddenly asked me


"Are you free this Saturday?" He repeated

"Dude , don't waste your time to hit on her because he likes Raymond" I looked up to see Joey pattig Harry's shoulder. Raymond turned to me and Joey and me again. I glared at him

"Raymond?" Natalia laughed

"Raymond has a girlfriend" Harry said and my chest is burning with fury and hate at this time. I can't believe that he just said that in front of public

"Are you done?" I asked coldly.. so cold until I can freeze the sun

"Ohhhh the ice princess is glaring" Joey still have the urge to tease me , he sure is crazy. I stood up and walked away from all of them. I walked to my tent.. taking out my iPod and chalk.. I'm going to ditch this.

I write a small note to Leah , telling her my whereabouts because I know her reaction if she knows I ran away so I have to let her know.

I sneaked to the woods and started to chalk my trail so I can get back. My dad teached me this and I tanked him for this right now. I never know that this thing will be use by me today.

Joey is an asshole.. how I want to kill him so badly? How can he be so straight foward to Harry? To be honest.. I only crush Raymond.. not like. I'm frustrated and I really really need time to be alone.

I walked for 30 minutes and find a small rock to sit on. I sit there and listening to my music. Looking at the view for hours and hours.. Thank God I bring my phone too. I played a lot of games and reading my iBook.

It's weird that I can stay sitting here for 7 hours without getting bored. I already calm down my temper and I'm ready to get back.

I walked back slowly suddenly I felt rain drops on my head. Great the sky feeling what I'm feeling right now. It's drizzling right now and I need to go back fast before it gets heavy.

I took a wrong step and cut my arm. Shit! It stings.. Why did I roll up my sweater? I keep going not even caring about the cut. I need to get there in time. Thank God for the chalk..

"Are you crazy?" I was greeted by angry Leah as I got into my tent

"Sorry" Her eyes widen as she saw the cut on my lower arm

"What happen to you? I lied to the teachers that you have a sad stomach"

"I ran because it's drizzling"

"Let me get you a bandage!" She got out from the tent before I hold her. I sighed and take off my sweater slowly from my body. I realise how big the cut is.. it's around 10 cm cut and fuck is hurt really bad

"Okayokay.. I got this" Leah walked in with a medicine and bandage on her hands. She looked at my cut

"This is crazy.. what happen to you exactly?" She asked as she pour the medicine on it and I can't help but scream in pain.

"Endure it"

"Damn it! Don't pour it you savage woman!" I bursted

"You have to tell me what's wrong with you Val.. I was panic when I got your note" She said

"I'll tell you after this"

"Good because I'll kill you if you not"

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