Chapter 28 (The End)

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When the kids returned Kate and Lee were sitting in the kitchen sharing a pot of coffee and working out the logistics of his schedule and a wedding date. Kate had the thought that this was the real world, this was how it was supposed to be.  The romance was there but so was reality and she knew that their foundation was strong because of their honesty.

She was almost giddy at the thought that she was in love and she was allowed to be, she was having a hard time controlling the grin on her face. Lily saw it as soon as she walked into the house and whooped with joy. Henry joined in and they all laughed and hugged; Kate had her family.

They all sat at the table while Kate and Lee filled them in on the details, but soon it was time to go meet Lily's friends. "The show must go on!" Kate said as she gave Lee a quick kiss and herded Henry and Lily out the door.

She couldn't help one last look over her shoulder to make sure that Lee was really there.

"I'm really here Kate, I'll see you at the theater this evening."

Kate nodded and closed the door quickly before she threw herself in his arms again. If she did that ,they would never get all of their errands done.

The afternoon flew, and before Kate knew it she was crammed in a tiny dressing room behind the stage with ten girls helping with make-up and hair. They all looked wonderful, and with the proper sentiment that everyone should break a leg, she retired to the lobby where she found Henry waiting for her on a bench looking bored.

"Come on Henry, let's find our seats," Kate said waving their tickets at him. "I promise I'll make it up to you soon," she said as she threw her arm around him.

"It's O.K., at least I have someone to wait on."

Kate dropped a quick kiss on his head at his heartfelt words, it was the first time she had done such a thing and she could see his little smile before he shrugged her away. "Not here."

Kate laughed. "Sorry, I forgot."

After they had settled in their seats Kate looked over her shoulder, but there was still no sign of Lee. "Have you heard from Lee?" She looked at her phone but there was no message.

"He said he would be here. He'll be here."

Kate nodded as the lights dimmed and there was a round of applause to start the show.

The show was funny and fast paced and included all of Kate's favorite Christmas songs, some new, some old, and Lily was in her element.  Kate never would have guessed that the shy girl of six months ago was the budding actress on stage entertaining them all. Her voice was truly remarkable.

Intermission came and went and still there was no Lee. Maybe he had to leave, maybe he got called away and hadn't had time to let them know yet.

It was the end of the show and the song was Lily's solo, 'I'll be Home for Christmas."

Kate focused on Lily as she started to sing, she had no accompaniment and her voice rang strong and true through the auditorium. Kate saw Lily's smile change as she gave a little wave to someone at the back of the theater and everyone turned to see who she was waving at.

Standing at the back of the center aisle was Lee in full dress blues with his cap tucked under his arm. He was magnificent.

Kate stood and looked at him as he started down the aisle towards her and his seat.

Unable to stop herself Kate stepped into the aisle and met him halfway.

She went up on tip toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. "How often do you get to wear this get-up?"

"Every once and awhile. Lily asked that I wear it tonight."

Kate ran her hands over his medals and could feel his strong heartbeat underneath. "When I get mad at you, just wear this and all will be forgiven."

He grinned. "Got it, and for the record, whenever I get mad at you all you need to do is smile, I'm a sucker for your beautiful smile."

Kate thought her heart was going to burst as she gave him a quick hard kiss. "Come and sit, we'll discuss this in detail later, we have plenty of time until the next sweet goodbye."

"Why will the goodbye be sweet?" He pulled her back to him as she moved to pulled away, needing and explanation.

"Because we will always say all that needs to be said, and there will always be another hello." She grinned

"Yes, there will be." He returned her grin, and they stood in the center of the theater grinning at each other like fools until he pulled her close again, giving her another long kiss.

He was finally home.

If you haven't checked out Kellan and Josh's stories, please do. They are already posted on my Wattpad page.

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