Visits and orphanages

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I had been in the orphanage a week and most of the people I'd met were horrible except for one 8 year old girl called Maddison Rivers, she was a small brunette who was lively and cute.

The orphanage looked nice on the outside but most of the inside was horrible, all the bedrooms except Mrs Andrews were tiny to fit more kids in and same gender siblings still had to share rooms. The office was nice so it would make a good impression on visitors but we were rarely aloud out and other kids stole so you had to lock valuables away or carry them with you.

I didn't go to school because of my leg but it sounded horrible from the 59 other kids in there.

Khloe's pov

I was really exited to get to the orphanage so I could finally meet Kylah. The lady I spoke to over the phone Mrs Andrews maybe ? Said that she is smart, happy, pretty and kind .

When I get to the orphanage Mrs Andrews guided me to the office/meeting room and then shouted down Kylah.

Kylah's pov

I was in my room talking to Maddison when I heard Mrs Andrews shout "Kylah Butler you have a visitor"
As I hopped down stairs I could see the girls that had been here for longer than me glare at me but I carried on going. When I got into the office I saw a tallish blonde lady sitting there " you're Khloe Kardashian right ?" I said " and your Kylah, I heard about you just after your accident and I had been thinking about adopting for a while so I came here to visit you and see if we get along" she said.

We talked for 2 hours and we decided that we would have a day out tomorrow, then she left.

Khloes pov
After I left I knew I wanted to adopt her. The only thing I was worried about was that she wouldn't have a father  figure in her life.

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