"Hyde. Edward Hyde"

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《I I would have never been able to do this without you.

Thank you so much Henry.》

Henry had awoken on the cold ground. He tried to open his eyes, but all he could see was still black. He brought a hand to his face and moved away all the hair that were covering his eyes. Something about all this didn't feel quite right. Why was he lying on the floor? And did he always have all that hair?

he didn't remember what had happened to him for him to be in such a state.
Jekyll noticed that something about his sensations was. odd: he felt a strange, and quite innocent freedom of the soul; his body felt lighter, as if a weight he used to carry had been taken away, and everything around him looked different. as if all the colors were suddenly more bright, the light more intense and the details more neat.

Henry glanced at the desk, and saw an empty ampoule, with a residue of a greenish substance. Images of him drinking the potion and losing conscious appeared in his mind, making him gasp in surprise.

He got up quickly, stumbling a bit, and rushed toward the mirror on the other side of the room. The person reflected in the glass was rather short and skinny, with a blonde, messy mane; his eyes were bright green and the clothes that he wore were clearly all too big for him. The blonde man widened his eyes at his reflection. An increasing joy overcame him, and made him smile widely. He jumped in excitement, lifting his hands up in the air. For the first time in years, he was truly grateful to be alive.

"YES! Yes It worked! It worked!!" He shouted, laughing a bit, with his high pitched voice.

"I don't think so."

The image in the mirror began changing, turning into the one of Henry Jekyll. The brown haired gentleman had a disappointed expression on his face.
"This clearly didn't work at all! That's not what I wanted! What are you supposed to be?"
The blonde one started staring at the reflection in the mirror amazed. There was something astonishing and interesting about that stranger in the mirror. Henry kept his eyes on the blonde man.
"So? Don't you know how to talk?!"

"I..." Began the young man "I mean, you--you look beautiful!"
Henry was really confused, but blushed slightly anyway. The blonde man walked away from the mirror, and looked around at the laboratory. The green eyes of the man wandered around in amazement, admiring the lots of backers and ampoule in the room. Oh, how the morning light reflected on them, making then shine bright yellow!
"Everything. looks so beautiful! More beautiful than ever!"
Jekyll furrowed his brows. "What you're saying is senseless."
"Maybe to you," replied the other "but. somehow, is like everything around me in shining of his own light. it's simply stunning!"
Then, he saw the window, and ran toward it.
He stared at the sky: the sun was rising high; the clouds were of a some pale shades of pink and orange, making the view look like a painting made with watercolors; the rooftops were enlightened by the sunshine, and a few birds were flying far away.
"C'mon Henry," said the blonde one, with his eyes fixed on that spectacle. "you can't tell me that this doesn't look beautiful to you."
Jekyll, in the back of his mind, tried to keep a serious attitude, but as he saw that fantastic view, his eyes widened a bit. A sensation of warmth spread inside him.
"It's." he started, but stopped immediately, trying to not to be led astray from that blonde man. "We have some priorities we need to take care of. Now stop wasting your time, you-you."

The blonde one forcibly got away from the window.
"What priorities?" He said confused. "Of course," growled Henry "we need to understand WHO are you."
The blonde one smiled. "Oh, about that, I already thought about a few names, since I still don't have one! How about Alexander? Or Lucas? Or Charlie? Or Edward? Or-"
"how about" interrupted Jekyll "you shut your mouth?!"
The blonde one didn't say anything for a few moments, then, not caring about Henry's bad manners, he continued "Edward it is then!! What about the last name? I don't think I could go around telling my last name is Jekyll!"
"I didn't think you could go around at all." Said Jekyll annoyed.
"Wow rude." Replied Edward.
Jekyll sighed. "How about Mr Dead? Or Mr Go-Kill-Yourself?"
"Wow" said Edward "even ruder. Oh well, I'll think about something later! Now, where can I get some clothes my size?" Mused Edward, looking around the room.
"Wait- you're not thinking of going out are you??" Muttered Henry, halfway between being shocked and incredulous.
"It's my first day of freedom! I can't spend it locked in this room! There's a whole world outside waiting for us!!"
Jekyll chugged. "You're alive from just a few minutes, and you're already annoying me. That must be a record. Congrats." And he began to clap his hands slowly, in a patent sarcastic way.

The strange swap of Dr Hyde and Mr JekyllWhere stories live. Discover now