1.5 - Asking Him

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"What's the occasion Ali" Marie asked me as I was helping her cooking.

"Nothing Marie" I said with a smile still lingering on my lips.

"Oh really? I have never seen you so happy from the day you came in this house and cooking all Ian's favourite dish" she said with a amused glint in her warm brown eyes.

"Its nothing Marie. I just wanted to cook and so I am doing" I replied with a roll of my eyes.

"Fine. Keep telling that to yourself" she laughed and kept the blueberry pie in the oven. What should I say to her?

That I am happy because my husband and I are finally on speaking terms? That is because of a bargain that can ruin me in my future? I sighed

"Let's devour the moment while it lasts" I said to myself and smiled. "I'll go and ger ready. He'll be here any moment" I said while looking at the clock that showed it was quarter to six. "Look your best" I heard Marie's voice shout behind me.

"I'll try my best" I shouted back and ascended the stairs.

After having a long relaxing shower. I opened the large brown door of our closet. Left side was filled with all Ian's clothes and the right side with mine. I chose a red cocktail gown and black pumps to go with it. I did a smoky eye and blood red lipstick and tied my straight hair in a high ponytail. I looked at the mirror and winked at myself, appreciating my hotness mentally.

The doorbell made me increase my pace downstairs.

"I'll answer that" I rushed Marie who was about to reach the door. She just shook her head in amusement and turned around. Well atleast someone's enjoying all this.

I opened the door with a smile, no scratch that a wide grin on my face. My brown orbs met his blue ones and I felt home. His eyes roamed up and down my body and a emotion flashed through his eyes that I can't recognise since as soon as it came, it vanished too.

"Hi" I said

"Hey, you look.... beautiful" he complemented.

"Thanks. Come in" I opened the door wide for him to enter.

"I'll go and freshen up" he said. I nodded and went to set the dining table. I lit the scented candles and looked around.

"Everything's perfect" I said to myself.

"It's sure is" I heard Ian's voice from behind me, startling a bit. "Didn't mean to scare you" he apologized.

"Its ok" I said while smiling which I now realised has been etched on my face from the moment I stepped inside the house.

"What's the ocassion?" He asked while holding a chair for me. I sat down and chuckled remembering Marie asking me the same.

"You returning to your home, we cleared all our misunderstandings, for our friendship. There are many reasons to celebrate." I said. He sat at the head of the table and poured wine in two glasses.

"Friendship?" He asked me with amusement.

"Why are we not?" I asked a bit scared that maybe I assumed too much.

"To our friendship" He said while raising his glass. I sighed and raised my glass too.

"To our friendship" I repeated and the cling of our glasses echoed through the house.

"Smoked chicken?" He asked while inhaling deeply. I nodded and we continued devouring the dinner.

"It was the best dinner I had in a long time" He said while licking the spoon of his cookie dough ice-cream.

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