1.20 - The Bacheloratte Night

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"How about this?" Ashley asked as she stepped out of the trail room with the dress she chose for her big day. The white dress hugged her upper part perfectly - a little too perfectly if you ask me. It had a sweetheart neckline with silver beads covering the upper till her waist. I wonder how, doesn't it itch? The skirt of the dress was like upside down bowl like the old victorian dresses. The dress pooled under her feet. It really looked beautiful, but not on her as all the attention will be grabbed by her boobs outerline hanging off her dress but who am I to tell her? "This will complete the look" The lady who is the owner of the boutique pulled the veil around her head and placed it gently over her head.

Ashley twirled around in the front of the mirror, roaming her hands over the waist area to straighten it while she admired how that dress fit her perfectly.

"This is it" she nodded to the lady who beamed at her and followed her towards the trial room to get back in her casual clothes. If she didn't actually want my opinion, then why the hell did she bring me here?

"Let's go" Ashley called me with such enthusiasm that made me almost feel happy for her. Keyword being - almost.

"Finally" I gasped overdramatically and left the mall with many bags in our hands. "Ian is waiting for me" Ashley said and threw her head to her right and there I saw my ex-husband leaning on his car with hands crossed in front of his chest with glasses on. After 6 months I'm seeing him and he still have the same effect on me as the day I first saw him in the hallway of our high school. I took a shaky breath in and followed Ashley to cross the road. I was busy handling the bags properly and Ashley was busy shouting at me to not drop her bags at any cost. Seriously girl, if you were'nt my sister and I would'nt have loved you you would be dead by now, literally. I was about to snap at her but Ian screamed my name with alarm and fear in his voice. I snapped my head up and saw him looking at my right. I quickly turned my head at my right and just in time I pulled Ashley with me, behind before the car can hit us.

I kept my hand on my chest breathing heavily. What the hell just happened?

"Are you okay?" Ian asked and cupped my cheeks looking up and down to make sure I was. The look on his face made my knees wobble. First time ever I saw the fear of losing me in his eyes. I don't know what's that for? He already did six months ago. I nodded wordlessly and turned towards Ashley to find her looking at me and Ian with furrowed brows. Then I realised what Ian just did.

Ian shouted his ex-wife's name instead of his soon-to-be wife.

I quickly shrugged his hand off and rushed towards my car to get the hell out of here.

Does this mean Ian has fallen for me?

No, I shrugged that feeling before it can settle in my mind, or worse, in my heart.


I groaned in annoyance and plugged my earplugs and increased the volume to full where I can only hear Archie saying - practically shouting in my ears.

Currently I'm sitting on my warm bed with just a oversized shirt on and laptop on my lap watching Riverdale as for the reason of my annoyance. Three guesses?

Correct. My sister.

She's having her bacheloratte night with her many friends and I know better then to go to her party.

Though I was watching a series but my mind was somewhere else. More specifically on someone else. One with the blue eyes who no matter how much I try, I can't seem to hate.

My mind is practically shouting me to look for someone that will understand me and love me back as much as I will but my heart just shows me those gorgeous blue eyes and there, like a love sick puppy I fall for him again. I know I sound pathetic but I guess love does that to you. No matter how much that person hurts you, it doesn't matter he tore your heart apart, you just continue to love him because your love is too big and too strong to hate him.

My Husband's GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon