The Castle

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"What were you thinking?" A feminine voice accused.

"They all saw! I could not let them leave the clearing!" A male voice growled. His loud footsteps echoed as he paced. "We do not need any more people poking around here." The argument was backed by the sound of crackling wood arose from the hearth on the other side of the room. The tension was obvious in the room.

Rosalind's head and body ached. Even with her eyes shut tight it felt like the room was spinning. Even the slightest twitch of a finger hurt. She felt as though she had been bucked from a horse. She was pained as her breathing increased, she felt as though her ribs may have been bruised.

"You need to be more careful! You could have killed her!"

"I didn't, did I?" The man argued. "I should have never brought her here, it was a mistake. Lord knows what happened last time we let a stranger in!"

"That was a very long time ago; would you have rather left her to drown in that river? For such a man of intelligence, you are so ignorant. She looks harmless, she's a child!"

Rosalind was confused. Where was she? Who were these people? Had she arrived at Lord Hersey's estate? Grover never woke her--then she remembered. Grover was dead. Everyone was dead. She should have been dead. That creature came after her--nearly--killed her. How was this possible? How did she cheat death yet again?

"The last one looked harmless too," the man said softly, before continuing, "Remember your place, Cassandra! I am the Master of this house!"

Rosalind groaned softly, feeling the pain that seemed to inhabit her body. The man's footsteps instantly ceased. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she pushed her eyes open. It felt like it took all of her strength just to blink. She heard the man's sharp inhale and a door slamming shut. Rosalind struggled to sit up, tears sprung to her eyes due to the pain. Her face flushed with effort. Soft hands came around her back, supporting her. She could feel a shift of pillows being layered behind her, the hands gently laid her back into the tower of pillows.

"There you are, honey." The feminine voice said calmly, "My name is Cassandra. I will be your lady's maid. I apologize if I am bad at the job, it has been a long while since we have had a lady at the estate." The woman's mood had improved significantly now that the man was gone.

"My--" Rosalind struggled to speak, she fell into a coughing fit.

"Oh goodness, have yourself a glass of water," Cassandra said. There was a long pause. "Well, are you going to take it?" Rosalind had not realized it, but Cassandra was holding a glass out to her. Rosalind tried to lift her hand, but was only met with more pain. She heard Cassandra sigh deeply, before bringing the cup to Rosalind's lips; she drank thirstily.

"My name is Rosalind." She said hoarsely, "Rosalind Eldridge."

"Well, Rosalind Eldridge, you are lucky to be alive." Cassandra said matter-of-factly. "Took quite the nasty fall last night. Bled all over the rug in the entry hall."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, darling. It was an ugly rug to begin with. However; the Master was not too happy." Cassandra moved from her spot at the edge of the bed and went to tend to the fire.

"The Master? Do you mean Lord Hersey?" Rosalind asked perplexed.

"No, not at all! Lord Hersey, of all people!" Cassandra laughed. Rosalind's cheeks flushed red and she felt embarrassed. Cassandra took notice and instantly grew quiet.

"That was where I was going," she said softly. "Do tell your Master that I am sorry about his rug."

"Don't worry yourself with his feelings, he does not deserve it. It was his fault to begin with."

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