The Child

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Rosalind took a deep breath before walking down the small hall towards the noise. One hand held her cloak together while the other felt along the walls. Cassandra greeted her; looping her arm through Rosalind's. She led Rosalind deeper into the warm room and cleared a seat for her.

"Welcome to our humble home," Cassandra laughed. She guided Rosalind to the seat she had made for her. "This is our sitting room or one of the bedrooms, the kitchen is to your right with a small table where we eat dinner. There is another room above us that is used for a bedroom. You, Selene, and I will be sharing the room upstairs while the men remain down here."

Rosalind smiled widely, she was delighted to be surrounded by friends again.

"Where are they? Jasper and Silas?" Rosalind asked.

"They have gotten a job at the cotton mill down the road--it pays enough and it is work. They had the early shift." Selene said from what she presumed was the kitchen. It occurred to Rosalind that she must have interrupted their breakfast. The thought made her town stomach growl.

"Oh! Let me get you some breakfast!" Cassandra cheered. "Any requests?"

"Not particularly," Rosalind said.

"We have some fresh bread--would you like some toast?" Selene asked.

"Sure," Rosalind replied.

She could hear Ben playing with his toys at her feet. It sounded as if he were crashing two toys into each other. She could hear Selene and Cassandra moving around in the kitchen--pots and pans clanking together as they were being washed. She had missed everyone so much. Selene handed her a small plate of toast. Rosalind nibbled on the bread taking her time. Selene and Cassandra sat across from her.

"How have you been?" Cassandra was the one who broke the silence.

"I'm doing better," Rosalind told them honestly. Rosalind set her now empty plate on a small table in front of her. She felt part of her was avoiding the subject of her current situation. "I just miss him."

"We do too," Selene said, Rosalind could hear the sad smile in her voice. Rosalind felt William's ring burn on her chest as she thought of him.

"How are you liking the city?" Rosalind asked, changing the subject.

"It is...nice enough." Cassandra said slowly.

"We have a home, a bed to sleep in, and food to eat. It might not be much, but it is something." Selene said simply.

"But it is drab, Selene! Even little Benny thinks so, don't you Ben?" Cassandra pouted.

"What?" Ben asked looking up from his toys. Rosalind couldn't help but laugh at Cassandra's fit.

"So, Rosie! Where did you go...after?" Cassandra asked.

"Um," Rosalind began, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I went home...then I had to live with my aunt."

"We stayed in the grounds keeper's cabin for three days, before Silas when to assess damages. You gave Jasper quite the black eye--he told us that he never wanted to be hit by a woman again. Silas came back a few hours later and we moved here." Selene said numbly.

"I'm sorry--none of this would have happened if--"

"We cannot dwell on the 'what ifs', they will never happen. We just have to keep moving." Selene told her.

"Did he find anything?" Rosalind couldn't keep herself from asking. Maybe Will had made a miraculous escape and had survived. He could still be out there. It was becoming warm, but still she pulled the cloak tighter around her.

Winter's Rose ~A Beauty and the Beast Retelling~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن