Chapter Twenty-Two

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"I-it wasn't my fault. It wasn't-"

"Would you like to tell your mate little Emmy?"  He pulled at her hair again making her cry out and me take a step foreword.

"Emerald?" I stared at her as she whimpered.

"Speak bitch! Tell him! Tell him how that mouth of your ruined my life! " he threw her to the ground and kicked her making her scrunch up.  I growled loudly making the warriors tense up. Jarl pointed the knife at me.

"Watch it" my eyebrows knotted together and I took a step back. He turned his attention back to her. "Tell him before I have a new head plaque on my wall" he tabbed her hair pulling her up to weakly stand up.

"I-I was five! I had no idea! You cant hold it against me-" he kicked at her again making her cry out.

"Don't touch her!" The sinister man smirked at me, standing over her.

"Oh poor Alpha. Let's play a game little Emmy. With each lie or minute passed if you not talking I add to your collection of scars" my eyes widened as he picked her up by her hair and held the knife against her arm.

"Stop!" His face then brightened as he added pressure to her arm and blood oozing out. I felt a sharp pain in my arm but ignored it baring my teeth.

"Emmy what bad girl thing did you tell to your alpha?" She bit my lip and after a few he created a new cut on her arm. I hissed at another sharp pain at my arm.

"Emerald please. Just answer him"

I'm scared my eyes widened more hearing her voice in my head.

Don't be, what can I do

She stopped for a few. Don't listen

I frowned. "Emerald, maybe you didn't hear me. What did you tell Alpha?" Shut your ears. I told the pack warriors earring me nods from the four of them. That other three were down.

It was an eerie silence. I watched as I just heard an eerie ping while Emeralds mouth had moved. She was crying. Bawling out tears as she seemed to be studdering out her story. He seemed to ask her another question and she responded immediately. I had to hear. I turned on my hearing and he was chuckling.

"Goof girl. You know what good girl get to go do?"he paused for a bit and a grin grew even more. "Swimming" I heard a howl and we all tensed up. "Get him!" I dodged as an arrow whistled by. It landed by my feet. It's a trap! A pack of rouges came out from the tree mid-shift.

"Emerald!" She was struggling against Jarls grip as he pulled her towards the dock. My claws came out and it turned out to be a full out brawl. I dodged between two wolves, running at full speed toward the dock. Someone knocked me down and I bit into their neck throwing them off. We were outnumbered. Big time.

Carter! Get me more warriors we're under attack by the docks!

Be there shortly Alpha.

I shut off the link and tried to make my way through to her. He brought her to the waters edge. "Say goodbye Alpha" he yelled out and then tossed her weak body into the water.

"No!" I charged forward and then slashed my claws at him. He staggered back as I got a piece of him. He kicked at my legs making me fall down. He went to kick at me again and I grabbed his leg pulling him over, hitting the ground hard. I looked towards the water and saw it wasn't moving. No bubbles. She's still under. Why hasn't she swam up. Why hasn't she swam up?!

I got up running and then dived into the water. Her body wasn't moving, she was laying at the bottom of the lake. I swam towards her, struggling to hold my breath. I grabbed her hand, bringing her up to me. I then smashed her lips to mine giving her the oxygen I had in me. I let go and started to swim back up. I got up gasping for air as I had carried her. "I need a Medic!"

Some pack warrior rushed over with another. I gave them Emerald and then another helped me up onto the dock. I coughed out a bit of water feeling my insides burn. I looked around frantically. "Where did that Man go?" The place was like a proper battlefield. Some of my pack were invited but they'll live.

"He escaped" I groaned and rested against the ground still trying to catch my breath.

"A-Alpha?" I looked over at Ale and tilted my head.

"What?" He looked white as a ghost.

"She's gone.."

He threw me into the water. Like useless scrap. I tried kicking and swimming up but my lessons with Rae didn't seem to work. I screamed in the water a I kept sinking down, unable to get up. That's when it got cold. I felt the mask on my face slip off and my head hit a rock below me. I couldn't breath. I had no more oxygen. I can't die! I don't wanna die! 

My eyes shot open. Open. I looked around. Everything was dark. I heard a muffled splash and looked up at the sight. I can see. It was a man. His face was scarred and his clothes ripped as he struggled to make his way to me. Who was he? Was he he angel that will take me to heaven? He grabbed at my hand and then pulled me towards him, bringing his mouth to mine. My eyes were wide open as he kissed me and tiny sparks erupted through me, giving me a bit of oxygen.  He then started to swim up with me and the colors around me tasted to get brighter and brighter. My vision was then blocked as I started to get unconscious. I blacked out feeling the water away from my skin.

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