Chapter Fourty-One

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Three months later

"Mason can you say Mommy?" Ryder and I made a bet on who's name he would say first. He stared to say something and both of us leaned foreword, trying to listen.

"Uncwle k-kace!" He squealed when he said something, going into a fit of giggles. I slumped down.

"Oh cmon!" Ryder groaned and I heard him bang his head against the table. "We let him hang out with Jace way to much" I giggled a bit, hearing so much defeat in his voice. "Oh but you encourage him" I nodded my head. I then was then lifted into the air. I squealed as Ryder bounced around with me on his shoulder. He laughed and I screamed holding onto his torso.

No likey I felt myself go red and then he turned me around setting me on the counter. I tilted my head down and adjusted my mask a bit down. His hand then found my chin and tilted it back up.

"Hey do you mind if we practice a bit, like the doctor said?" I frowned instantly and bit my lip.

"B-but every time it know I'm not ready for that Ryder-"

"I'll be here for you. I promise, if it really does hurt you can put the mask back on" I sighed and then nodded. I reached behind undoing the knot that was there. I put the cloth on my lap and sighed. His hands found mine, softly caressing them.

"Now try to open.."

"Can you turn down the lights then?" He got up and I heard him flick the switch, he came back over taking the same hold on me.

"Whenever your ready" I heard Mason cooing and his little hand hitting what seemed the table. I then took a deep breathe, starting to shake a little.

"Daddy I'm scared" I stared down as my tiny,shaking body clung to the tree. Dylan and I thought it was a fun idea to see who can get to the top of the tree and back down the fastest. Of coarse he won, like always, meanwhile me being who I am got stuck. I was eleven at the time.

"It's okay princess come on daddy's got you" I whimpered. He was so far down. I shook my head and the ground seemed even farther now.

"Emmy I swear to god if you don't come down I'll..ill eat all of the cookies!" My eyes widen at his response.

"No! Daddy he's not being fair this is scary" I then heard a crack of the branch. I screamed as the branch gave way and I started to plummet to ground. I felt someone catch me and we both tumbled to the floor. Both of us groaned and I got up to see me laying next to them.

"Your welcome" Dylan then turned over, hurt written on his face.

My eyes then opened. Maybe for a split second until the burning pain came back. I bit my lip trying not to let a scream come out. I gripped his hand tighter, tears already blinding my vision.

It was red. The room was dimly lit, the walls were red with a black outlining. Steadily my eyes traveled over to the man right in front of me. He was the man I saw as I drowned, many many months ago. I gasped taking in his features. 

His face, his jawline was sharp on his heart shaped face. There was faints scars there as well and a slight stubble of beard on his chin. His eyes. That's what stopped me. The deep, dark brown, a milky tone of a brighter brown around the pupil, spiraling out. His lip started to quiver a bit unable to find words. Tears had already glazed his eyes. My pale hand then went up, finding his cheek and rubbing them away. He leaned into my touch, closing his eyes. The man then opened his eyes again, staring at me.

"I-I can see" the man was speechless. He then brought me closer with his hand. I leaned in, my eyes closing again. Passion. A kiss couldn't hold as much as this one. Slow. Steady. Caring. Both of us pulled away at the same time. My eyes opened again, meeting his gaze.

"Your beautiful Em you really are" I blinked at him and smiled.

"Mwammy, tdatdy!" I stared at the toddler who squealed in his chair. My eyes widen and slowly I got up. I walked over to him staring at his features. He looked up at me, happiness in his blood. Red. Eyes. My mouth gaped.

"My baby" happy tears had pricked my eyes. I then took him out of his chair and held onto him. He started to clap and giggled. I tossed him up in the air and caught him laughing again. I then stared up at the man. My man.

"Ryder. I'm not blind anymore" He then engulfed us into a hug, spinning us around.


That night we had a grand celebration. Everyone was dancing, smiling, laughing,having fun. Even though I still had to wear the mask because later I learned that bright lifts still effected them.

Rae and Jace are expecting a pup in another three months. When they told us I thought Ryder was going to fight Jace but instead he laughed and hugged both his sister and Jace. Which of coarse surprised me.

Everything was finally normal.

Some of the pack members had  brought some gifts. I was at the end of all of it when I came to a black envelope. One of the warriors handed it to me. I tilted my head a bit and then held my breathe. I opened it and took out the piece of paper. I unfolded it but It only held one word. I stared at it in udder confusion.

"Baby what's wrong?" Ryder looked at me and I gulped staring back down at the word, written in rough handwriting.


The End

For now

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