~Chapter Three~

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Bright light! Where's it coming from? I opened my eyes, to see that my bedroom light was on. Why is it...?

"Rise and shine, (y/n)!" I heard a familiar woman's voice say.

"Emily?" I asked, while sitting up.

"The one and only." Emily said, with a smile.

"What time is it?"

"Eight-twenty-one-am. We leave at nine-am, so, start getting ready!" Emily said, before exiting my bedroom.

I groaned, before getting out of bed. I groggily walked over to my walk-in-closet, and, searched for an outfit. Using my best morning judgement, I picked a simple outfit. It consisted of a silver t-shirt, jeans, white socks, and, silver flats.

After getting my clothes and shoes on, I brushed out my hair, and, put it into a ponytail. I then grabbed my black purse, and, put my phone, and, other importing things in it.

Before leaving, I put on deodorant, perfume, and, brushed my teeth. After doing those three things, I headed out my bedroom. Turning left, I headed down the hallway. Soon, I was in the front room. When I looked at the TV/living area, I saw Lyle watching something on the TV.

"What're you watching?" I asked, while walking up to Lyle.

Lyle jumped. He obviously wasn't expecting me to surprise him like that.

"Oh, hey, (y/n). I didn't see you there. I'm just watching an anime. It's very exciting, and, hilarious."

"Can I watch with you?"

"Sure." Though, just as I was about to sit down, I heard someone calling my name.

"(y/n), you ready to go?"

"Oh, yes, I am. Sorry, Lyle. Maybe some other time?"


I walked up to Emily, who had the door open for me.

"Let's go!" 

We then exited, and, walked to a fancy-looking black limo.

"Do you have a driver?"

"No. I don't like the idea of making others work, if I can do it myself."

"I see."

"Hop on in." Emily said, before entering the driver's side of the limo.

I opened my door, and, entered the expensive car. Everything inside looked so... Rich. Do I really belong here?

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." Emily said, before starting the limo.

And, away we were.

"I've already bought all your school supplies. We just need to buy your school uniforms."

"You mean, there's more than one!?"

"Yes. Unlike most schools that require uniforms, this school has one uniform for each day of the week."

"How odd."

"I know. But, it has the highest rating in the entire country. So, you know, it's worth it."

Wow, highest rating!? How incredible is that?! Soon, we arrived at a rich-looking school. Now, I regret wearing my choice of clothing.

"No need to worry, all the people here are really nice." Emily said, reassuring me.

Emily and I then entered the store. I was in awe, at all the amazing things. Emily led me to a clothing store.

"Hello, I'm here to have my daughter fitted for her school uniforms."

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now