~Chapter Twenty-Eight~

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Wow, I haven't had so much fun in forever!

We decided to call it a truce, when we both were so soaking wet, that, we couldn't see because of our hair getting in our eyes.

"Um... I didn't bring a spare set of clothes..." I shamefully admitted. 

Should've prepared for that!

Man, I'm such an idiot!

"It's fine. You can borrow some of my clothes. We look to be about the same size."

"You sure?" I asked. 


"Thanks." I said. 

Shinto then had a servant bring him some towels, so, we could dry off, before entering the building.

After we had dried off, Shinto let me to his room.

It was gigantic!

It had a king-sized bed in the back-left corner. Next to it, was a dresser.

The room had a giant TV, two couches, a fire-place, and, in the back-right corner, was a mess of art things.

"Wow, this must be two-no, three times larger than my room."

"Surprising, since our family's not as rich as yours. Though, I guess it's because we have servants."

"Yeah, that's probably it."

"Here." Shinto said, before leading me to his walk-in closet.

"Just pick anything that you want."


Shinto then left, and, while leaving, closed the door.

I then undressed, and, was mortified when I realized my panties and bra were also wet.

"Uh... Shinto..."

"Yes? Something the matter?"

"Kind've... All my clothes are wet. ALL of them."

"Oh... Do you want to call your brothers, to have them bring you a spare set of clothes?"

"Sure. But, my phone's in my purse. I left it in your room."

"I see..."

I then heard shuffling. Shinto must be looking through my purse.

I then saw Shinto pushing my phone under the door.


I then picked up my phone, and, decided to call Cameron.

"(y/n)? Are you okay?!" Cameron asked, very concerned. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need a spare set of clothes."

"Why!?" Cameron asked. 

"Shinto and I played with water guns."

"Okay, I'll be there-"

"Hi! (y/n)!"

I heard Lyle say that over Cameron's voice.

"Lyle, go away!"

"Not until I say hi to (y/n)!"

I giggled, at Lyle's silliness."

Though, he is pretty sweet, too.

"I'll bring you your clothes. Can you give me the address?" Cameron asked. 


I then gave Cameron Shinto's address.

"Thanks. Be there-"

"Let me talk to (y/n)!"

The call ended.

"Well?" Shinto asked.

"Don't worry, they'll be here soon."


About twenty minutes later, I heard a knock on the door.

"Mr. Shinto, you have two guests."

"Let them in."

Two guests?

I then heard two people come in.

I could tell by the sound of the two different footsteps.

"Where's (y/n)?"

So, Cameron's here. And, who's...

"(y/n)! We came to your rescue!"

Lyle, of course. How did I not figure that out?

"She's in there." I heard Shinto say.

I then saw some clothes come through, from under the door.

"Thank you."

Even though I couldn't' seen through the wall, I could tell that Cameron nodded.

"You're welcome, (y/n)."

I then quickly got dressed.

Afterwards, I came out, and, handed my wet clothes to Cameron.

"Would you mind putting that through the dryer?"


"Thanks... You can leave now..." I said. 

"But, sis, I want to spend time with you!" Lyle whined.

"Lyle, that's enough!" Cameron said, before dragging Lyle away.

"Call me." Lyle said, while doing the universal sign for 'Call me.'

It was quite cute.

After they were gone, I turned to Shinto.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Do you like to cook?"

"Yeah. Want to cook something together?"


Shinto then escorted me to the fabulous kitchen.

"Anything you like to cook?"

"Yeah. You ever tried a lemon angel food cake before?"


"Want to make one?"


Shinto and I then went through the tedious task of making a lemon angel food cake.

But, it was so worth it, in the end. Since it was so delicious!

"That was fun. Plus, delicious."

"It's my favorite food."

"I didn't know that."

"Yeah. I have it for every one of my birthdays."

"When's your birthday?"

"February first."

"Cool. Mine's December thirty-first."

"Last day of the year, huh?"

"Yep. It's awesome!"

"I bet it is."

"Shinto, do you like to watch TV?"

"Not a big fan. But, if you want to watch someone, we can."

"Oh. I was just curious if you liked (Favorite TV show)."

"Never heard of it."

You gasped.

"Shinto... Your life is not complete! We must watch (Favorite TV show)!"

"... Okay..."

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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