Into The Mind Space

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This chapter was also edited.

Thomas's POV:

    I didn't think that there was anything unusual about Anxiety's absence, but Princey did so he kept pestering us until we agreed to help him look for Anxiety.

"Fine Prince we'll help you, but as soon as we find him you have to help me with my problems. Deal?"

Prince instantly replied


'Morality looks super excited, why?'

"What's got you so excited Morality?"

While jumping up and down he says

"This will be your first time in the mind space, I can't wait to give you the grand tour!"

Logic rolls his eyes, but the smirk on his face tells me that he's not actually annoyed with Morality.

Morality's POV:

    I'm so excited to give Thomas the grand tour of the mind space, so I decided to rush over to him, grab his hand, and sink down into the mind space. Logic and Prince follow shortly after complaining about how I should have told them that I planned on coming here right now. I smirk to myself and respond

"This was your idea in the first place, besides there's no time like the present."

Thomas's POV:

    I heard Prince grumble under his breath,

"I only wanted to look for Anxiety." 

I chuckled slightly, then I looked around in awe. Morality gestures to the room we're in,

"This is the screening room, it's where we watch what you're doing when we aren't in the real world with you." 

I noticed four chairs in the center of the room, a giant screen in front of the chairs, a snack bar to the right, and the kitchen is next to this room. The first chair that was in the very center of the room looked like a throne, 'that's definitely Princey's'. To the left of the throne was a sky blue bean bag, 'I'm gonna guess that's Morality's.' To the left of the bean bag looks like the kind of chair that you would find at school, 'anything that looks like something you'd find in school definitely belongs to Logic's.' The chair to the right of the throne is a black recliner, 'that chair can only belong to Anxiety.'

After I'm done looking around I notice a child around five run past me to the snack bar and grab a cookie. I turn to Logic and ask while pointing at the kid with a cookie,

"Who's he?" 

Logic looks in the direction I'm pointing and then turns to me,

"That's Imaj also known as your imagination." 

I look at him confused,

"I have more personalities than just you guys?" 

Logic looks at me like that was obvious, 

"Of course, we are the main personalities that you see the most, but you also have sub personalities that make an appearance every so often." 

So apparently there are more personalities than I thought and my imagination is a child... that makes sense.

Logic's POV:

I thought it was obvious that Thomas had other personalities besides us, but I guess not all of us can think logically. When I look back over at Imaj I see Morality is walking over to him. I hear him ask Imaj if he's seen Anxiety, but of course he hasn't. Then Morality started to speak again, 

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