Damsel In Distress

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Prince's POV:

What happened here? The mind space has been warped, the rooms are gone leaving behind a big, open area covered in colorful patterns. There are monsters attacking the personalities, 'Wait a second those aren't just any monsters, they're Disney villains.' What stands out the most is the ginormous tower in the center of the mind space, but it's being guarded by Ursula. 'I doubt she's the only one guarding the tower, there's probably more inside. That must be where the damsel in distress I heard scream for help is being kept. She's must be at the top of the tower and she's probably being guarded by a dragon witch.'

"I shall save you! AHHH!!!"

My battle cry must have gained the attention of the others because shortly after I heard Thomas shout.

"Prince wait!"

I saw Creativity was getting attacked by Scar, I defeated the foul creature, thus saving Creativity's life.

"Creative who did this to Jon's mind space?"

"I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if this was Depression's or Anxiety's doing."

As soon as he mentions Anxiety I get really worried, 'Is he okay? Where is he? I'll never forgive myself if he gets hurt.'

"Hey Princey are you okay?"

'When did Morality get here?'


"I asked if you were okay, you look worried."

'Was it really that obvious that I was worried?'

"You're right I am worried, Creative just said that Anxiety was here, he could've been attacked by a Disney villain for all we know. We should've looked for Anxiety sooner, but all of us decided to ignore the fact that he didn't show up during the meeting earlier, when Thomas was super anxious, because all of us always blamed him for the bad things happening in our lives. He could be hurt or his life could be in danger and it's all our fault!"

The others have the same guilty expressions on their faces that I'm sure that I have on mine. Morality walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder,

"Then it's our responsibility to save Anxiety and apologize to him for treating him the way we have been treating him."

"Of course, that's it! We must rescue Anxiety!"

I start to smile, and Morality gets a knowing smirk on his face,

"Awww... it's so cute that you're so determined to save Anxiety... I SHIP IT!!! "

I feel my face heat up,

"It's not like that, I just want to make sure he's okay!"

'I don't like him, he's depressing, he besmirches the name of Disney, he's funny, and he has beautiful caramel eyes that I could get lost in for hours... Wait! No! You don't like Anxiety, you hate him. Right...? Right!' I hear the others giggling and agreeing with Morality which makes my face heat up even more, if that's even possible.

"Anyway, there's a damsel in distress at the top of this tower, we must rescue her and Anxiety!"

Logic sighs, Thomas looks worried, and Morality looks... excited?

"It's like we're in an actual Disney movie, we have our very own Prince who comes to save the Princess and the kingdom (mind space) at the same time!"

"You're right!"

"And the rest of us are your knights that you bring in order to help you save the Princess!"

I make a face of disagreement before replying,

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