Chapter 3

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Neutral Territory
Felan's POV

I ran through the woods, panicking as I listened to the pounding footsteps behind me. A long howl pierced the area, my ears pricking back in fear. They're coming. I couldn't let them get me. Not after all that's been sacrificed. Not now.

I could see the edge of the forest,  and I could feel my hopes raise. If I could just get over there, then I'd be home free. The footsteps became closer, and I knew they were gaining on me. I pushed through the underbrush, rolling into the open.

I gave a cheer, watching as the Alpha retreated, the rest if the pack following behind him. I laughed, collasping as the stress of the day caught up with me. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" I shot up, the man in front of me waiting for an answer. "... What are you doing here?" I asked, repeating his question. I didn't think humans knew of this place.

Annoyance filled his features. "I've asked you a question." His tone was demanding, and I felt anger take over. "No one's gonna answer the question of a human who's stupid enough to be here." I muttered. He must have heard me, because his eyes almost seemed to turn red at this. He said nothing, though.

After a moment of silence, he spoke. "So? What is it that you want, boy?" I looked up, growling at him. "I am not a 'boy.'" he chuckled slightly. "Trust me, in my perspective, you are." Confusion filled my mind, but I quickly looked down, my face flushed. There was something about the man that made me unable to look him in the eye.

I sat there until I heard the sound of his footsteps taking off. I jumped up, following after him. There's no way I'm letting him leave. Not until I figure out why he's so intriguing. Or why he makes my wolf so happy. 

The man turned around to face me, anger evident on his face. "Where are we going?" I asked curiously. The man  growled. "We are not going anywhere. I am going to find some dinner." I nodded, interest building up since of me. It was my first time meeting a human, and I wanted to learn as much as I could. "What do you people eat? Do you eat meat too, or only plants?"

He gave me a funny look, his eyebrows arching in confusion. Before I could say anything, he stepped forward, grabbing my face. Sparks flew across my vision, my wolf releasing a purr. "Mate..."

The man looked me up and down, his red eyes staring through me."You... Are a werewolf."

"So I've noticed" The man scowled, his lips pulling back revealing the sharp fangs nestled between his teeth. I stepped back, startled by the sudden conclusion that formed in my head. Vampire.  "Thank you for the clarification, wolf. But I don't need a 'mate.' Especially not a werewolf one." My fear disappeared, and I frowned, anger filling my mind. "What's wrong with being a werewolf, Dracula?"

The man turned, marching towards me until we were face to face. My heart skipped a beat as he glared at me, both fear and lust being the cause. "Let me make one thing clear. We are not mates, and never will be. Vampires are a highly respected society, and a proud people. I will not stoop so low as to 'mate' with a stupid wolf, just because he says we're 'destined to.' Let alone a male wolf." With that, he disappeared into the woods, leaving me alone.

Anger, fear, and lust clouded my mind. Vampires were feared creatures in my pack. Before I left, we received the mangled body of our Beta who had disappeared a few weeks prior, a stake embedded in the back of his lifeless corpse, two puncture holes in his neck.

Yet, the desire I felt overruled the fear. I desperately wanted him to touch me, to hold me, I even wanted him to sink his fangs into my neck, and mark me as his. My wolf purred, agreeing with my desires. Make us his, forever... He urged me to run after the man, and I did.

The branches and brambles caused me to stumble, but I made my way precariously through the woods, following the sweet scent of my mate. Finally, I arrived at a castle of sorts, standing alone on the hillside. I stared for a moment until a figure in the corner of my vision caught my attention.

There he was, sitting in the soft grass, his eyes closed. His face looked younger as he slept, the abnormal pale tint the only thing that reminded me of what he really was. As I sat down, the man stirred, sitting up and scowling at me. "So? You've followed me home. Why?" I gulped, my wolf cheering me on as I tackled the man, kissing him before he could complain. Sparks soared through my mind, warmth spreading though my body as I touched the man, our breath mingling together until he pushed me off. "Please! Be my mate!" I yelled, desperately awaiting his reply.

The man studied me, his own cheeks tinted red as his shallow breaths made my chest tighten. He put his hand to his mouth, as if unsure of what had happened. His other hand cupped my cheek, causing me to lean into the touch. Color seeped into my own cheek as I mentally slapped myself for acting this way.

The man stayed silent for almost too long, until his answer came. "come with me, little wolf." Like the naive, stupid child I was, I obeyed.

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