Chapter 9

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Vampire Enclave
Kyran's POV

I paced back and forth as I went over my question in my head. Felan, why were you thrown out of your pack? I felt intrusive for asking, but my not knowing was what left to him being bedridden in the first place.

"Just ask him." Alvah said shrugging.

I glared. "Why don't you ask Wynn why he won't come for you?"

Alvah blushed and turned away. It had been close to two weeks now. Felan was up and moving, doing his best to repay me with housework. I told him it was unnecessary, but he insisted. "Even if you won't have me as a mate, the least I can do it help out and clean as compensation."

I had wanted to say that he needn't worry because he's my mate, but I couldn't. I don't know why, but I found myself tongue-tied and embarrassed at the thought of admitting he was my mate. So, even now, he still thinks I don't accept him.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash coming from the kitchen. I booted over there, fear in my mind as I arrived in the doorway. Felan sat on the floor, surrounded by broken glass. The cabinet door hung open, and I knew that he'd been trying to put the dishes away. He looked up at me and swallowed. "S-sorry..." He was like a scolded puppy, shamefully putting his ears to his head and his eyes to the floor. "I-... I'll clean it up."

He moved to stand and I immediately panicked. "Don't move!" He froze and I grabbed the broom leaning against the wall. I swept a path to Felan, helping him out of the pile before I began scolding him. "You idiot! What were you thinking?! You could have hurt yourself!"

"Sorry..." He mumbled.

I sighed, pulling him closer. "As long as you're okay, I suppose."

Felan's face visibly reddened, and I smirked. I was glad to be able to control his expressions. It gave me a sense of supperiority. Even more so than being a Vampire.

I tugged his chin, pulling his gaze to mine. "Felan," he nodded, his deep blue eyes looking at mine curiously. I took a deep breath. "Why did your old pack throw you out."

He cringed, sighing. "Well, it's a long story."

"I'm a Vampire. I have all the time in the world."


He led me to the living room, sitting me down and laying against me. Even if he did not believe I accepted him, he was very touch oriented. "Well, my parents were..." He hesitated, but I urged him to go on. "They were... Killed by Vampires. My father died in a dispute with a Vampire Lord when he was protecting the Alpha, and my mother died when a group of Vampires snuck into the pack.

"My parents had been close with the Beta, or second in command, who took me in when they died. He treated me as his own and I couldn't have been more grateful to him. Except, he had finally decided to take revenge on the Vampire Lord who killed my father. He left the pack without telling anyone, and never came back."

"What happened?" I could tell it was hard for Felan to tell me, but I needed to know.

He took a shaky breath. "He left without letting anyone know. Not even the Alpha, the leader of the pack, who's word is law. He took nothing with him. When he returned, it was as a corpse. He'd tried to kill the Vampire and failed. A stake, which we assumed was his weapon, had been buried in his chest. Probably as reevenge from the Vampire. Two puncture holes were neslted on his neck.

"Because it was as revenge for my parents' death, the pack blamed me for the death of the Beta. They cast me out and had hoped to kill me themselves, but I escaped to the border. That's where I met you." Felan finished the story and smiled up at me, but I didn't smile back. Because I realized that it was me. I killed his Beta. I'm the reason his father died. I'm the reason Felan was kicked out of his pack.

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