Chapter Six: Gael Fallon

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Everyone instantly teleported towards the child. But because the demon is at an advantage, we were too late.

Rosary is already covered in reddish-green chains that seems to slowly penetrate through her clothes due to its heat. The child wailed in pain as she suddenly lose consciousness. The demon summoned a cage and put Rosary inside.

The demon roared as if taunting us to come over.

"He's good." Seven commented.

"Rosary!" I shouted in worry.

Grey then furrowed his brows, "What are we going to do now? We shouldn't act recklessly because the demon made Rosary a hostage."

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. No. She can't come out now.

"Let's retreat first to the golden tower, then we should discuss our plan." Shade suggested.

All of us nodded and teleported back to the golden tower.

I sat down dejectedly,

"So, what do you guys think? We're only left with fifteen minutes before midnight."

They immediately cursed after hearing what I said.

"Hm... there are four of us and only one demon. We should split up into two groups. The first group is to drive the demon away from the cage and the second group will save Rosary. How about that?"

Grey nodded, as if agreeing to Shade's plan, "Nice. But who will be the one to distract the demon?"

I cocked my head to the side before raising my hand, "Me."

Seven nodded, "And me too. So that means, Shade and Grey will be the one to save Rosary?"

Both of them nodded.

"So, we're only left with thirteen minutes. Let's go guys!" I shouted before we teleported back to Serene Park.

I grabbed a handful of rocks before throwing it to where I felt the demon's presence.

"Hey ugly freak! Freak of nature! Come and get us!" I shouted before waving my hands in the air.

The demon suddenly bellowed.

Seven looked at me with a mocking smile, "You sure are annoying that even demons hates you that much."

I only gave him a sly smile before I readied myself.

The demon immediately charged towards us. Both Seven and me nodded before dashing away from the park. The demon followed the both of us and was only a few meter away.

When we noticed that we are already too far from the park, both of us stopped before teleporting behind the demon.

I started chanting a spell, "White cage! Trap the demon!"

After I chanted a spell, a cage formed from above the demon's head. When the cage is finished, it immediately dropped from the sky and fell, trapping the demon.

I held out my right hand and pointed it to the cage. I continuously started chanting spells to strengthen the cage.

Seven, who is right beside me, also started chanting some spells.

"Rigor mortis! Still and frozen in place!"

After that, both of us let out a sigh of relief.

"That should do it."

I nodded, "Grey and Shade should be done now." With that, both of us teleported back at Serene Park.

I immediately saw Shade carrying the unconscious Rosary while Grey is trying to get rid of the chains.

"Finished?" I asked.

Grey shook his head, "There's a problem about these chains."

"What is it?"

"Only the demon will be able to get rid of these." He said while pointing at the fiery chains.

"What about Rosary?!"

Grey gave me a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, i've already casted a barrier to protect Rosary from these chains. But for now, we need to defeat the fire demon to get these thing off."

"Speaking of which, where's the demon?" Shade ask as he looked around.

"Ah, the demon's a bit far away from here and is trapped inside a cage."

"What should we do now-

Ding Dong Ding!

All of us stop, dead in our tacks as we listen the golden tower chime. No doubt about it, it's already midnight.

"Quick! Let's get out of here-

I stopped mid-sentence when a large fireball suddenly appeared in front of us. I was able to teleport away from it, but the others aren't so lucky.

The fireball crashed towards the four and I was able to make a protection barrier in time to avoid them being burnt. But the impact of the fireball caused them to be thrown away.

Red. I'm starting to see red.

No! Calm down Amber, it's not yet time. She could wait.

Suddenly, snake like chains started to bind my feet and arms. I stood in horror as the fire demon continued to strengthen the chains, trapping me in place.

After that, the fire demon walked past me as if I was nothing and decided to attack the fallen four.

I watched in horror as the fire demon slowly approached them with a large fireball in its hands, attempting to throw it to the four.

"No! Freak, don't be a coward! Come and attack me! Not them! You vile creature!"


Something suddenly snap inside me making me lose consciousness.


(Inside Amber's head)

I was sitting on a chair. In front of me is a round table filled with sweets and scented candles. And on the other side of the table is her.

With her features the same as me except for her glowing violet eyes and eerie smile, I finally met her again.

"Hello there Gael Fallon."

"Seems that we meet again Amber Trinity Scarlette."

Gael Fallon. The me in my previous world. Cold, ruthless and a perfect killing machine. The me of which is a merciless killer and a cold-blooded assassin. My dark side.

"Need my help?" She asked. Her cold voice making me involuntarily shiver.

I only nodded.

"What is it this time?"

I sighed, "A seventh level demon harming my friends."

She nodded before standing up. Her creepy black dress which contrasts to the white dress I was wearing was being blown away by the wind.

"Are you sure that you want me? As in me, to save them?"

I nodded weakly.

She let out a cold laugh before patting my head, "Don't you go blaming me if these so called friend of yours suddenly became scared of you."

"I know the consequences." I mumbled weakly.

"Good." She said, "Now, sleep tight Amber. Let Gael Fallon handle the problem."

With that, she took over my body, again.


I immediately woke up before scanning my surroundings. My eyes glowing an eerie violet color. My killer instincts sharpened, my body ready to kill.

I coldly looked at the demon who is about to hurt my friends.

I let out a menacing cold laugh.

"You made the wrong choice buddy." I said coldly as killing intent burst forth from my body.

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