Chapter Ten: Tea Party

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"No! Get this darn thing off of me!" I wailed before trashing around, "This dress is itchy!"

Venus-sama only clicked her tongue before continuing to gently comb my hair.

"Neh Venus nee-san." I called after eventually getting tired of shouting.

"Why are we even wearing dresses? We're only meeting the headmaster so why bother with looking all prim and proper?" I asked while scratching my arms. The laces of the dress itches me.

She shook her head before getting her bright red purse and fished out a golden invitation.

"Read it."

I frowned. Eventually, I read the letter.

"It says here that today is the headmaster's 65th birthday. In the morning, there will be a luxurious tea party from nine until three o' clock. While at six o' clock in the evening, a grand ball will be held."

"Yup. Right now we're preparing for the tea party." She said in a hurry, "I already prepared our dresses for the ball. If my estimation were correct, if we leave early, we might arrived at KU at exactly two o' clock."

I scoffed, "If you're in a hurry, why not just teleport?"

"You know how teleportation work, right?" She asked mockingly.

I scoffed before frowning.

Every mage has the ability to teleport. But it has a limit. How far can you teleport depends on your current level of power. The stronger you are, the farther you'll be able to teleport. That's why there are portals.

While in Ace's case, seeing that he has no element, he needs to have a special talisman ready. But the talisman is no exception. It also has a limit.

"Done! My gosh Amber, I didn't know that you were this cute!"

I only rolled my eyes at her statement.

She suddenly pushed me off the chair I was sitting on before pulling me towards the exit.

"Quick! Let's see how the guys will react."

With that, Venus-sama immediately pushed open the large double doors. I squinted my eyes because of the blinding light from the sun.

"Hey guys! What do you think of Amber? She's cute, right?!" Venus-sama shouted excitedly.

I turned and looked at the six who looked quite handsome with their casual attire.

I couldn't help but shrink a little due to their heated gaze, "Erm... hi?" I said sheepishly.

Akward silence enveloped us.

Ethan was the one who immediately broke out of his daze, "Venus, are you sure that the girl from last night and that girl are the same?" He asked while scrutinizing me from afar.

I scoffed. It's not my fault that my face was all dirty last night from all those sweat and dirt and ashes.

"Yes. Maybe the three of you haven't seen her face very well last night because it was too dark." She said, "But now! So, what do you guys think? She looks cute in that outfit, right?"

Right now i'm wearing one of the dresses Venus-sama scavenged from the nearly burnt boutiqe in Epiphyllum. The dress is white and sleeveless. It's frilly with a blue belt and a few blue ribbons.

Venus-sama also added a straw hat with a large yellow flower with blue ribbons on its left side. I decided to wear some light brown ankle boots. While my hair, which reaches to my ankles, is let down freely.

Venus-sama frowned when she didn't get a respond, "Hey! Are you guys still even alive?!" She shouted.

The six immediately broke out from their daze before nodding vigorously.

Satisfied with her work, Venus-sama smiled, "Good. How about me?" She asked.

Venus-sama is wearing a yellow floral dress. Accompanied with a knee high brown boots and a flower crown. Her honey brown hair is in a simple braid.

The six nodded, "You look okay." They said in unison.

Venus-sama paused while a flash of red appeared in her orange eyes. A vein bulged in her forehead before letting out a shout, "Okay?! Just okay?! Why not pretty, beautiful, gorgeous?! Why I oughta-"

As she was about to charge at the six of them, Grandma Jill appeared and held her arm, "Stop. The carriage is here." She said.

Grandma Jill is wearing a light blue dress with intricate silver designs. She paired the dress with some flats and silver accessories. Her grayish-blonde hair is in a messy bun. Because Grandma Jill still looks in her 30s, she looked young in her outfit.

"You sure the nine of us will fit in there?" I asked.

Grandma Jill nodded, "Yes. As long you will sit on Venus' lap the whole time, there wouldn't be any problems."

"What? Why?!"

"You're small. And after all, the carriage can only accomodate up to eight people."

I sighed as my shoulders drop dejectedly. I turned around and looked at the carriage.

It's large and simple but elegant. There are four pristine white horses pulling the carriage.

"Wait, are these Pure Winter horses? The fastest known horses in the whole dimension?"

The six were shocked of what I said.

"You're right. How do you know?" Grey asked.

I smirked, "There are books for a reason."

Grey frowned at my statement.

"Well then, why don't you guys get in."

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