Sophie's Little Monsters

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Mark and Eric were very pissed off.  Bill had them standing there for quite a while.  If Felix was running, he had a pretty good head start.   "You have been wasting our time.  We'll be back for you once we call for backup, count your blessings, but I know we going to find you, brother. Don't go anywhere far" said, Mark, as he and Eric ran through the backwoods.   Hoping to catch up to Felix. Bill really didn't care, he went into the house and grabbed a beer as he watches disappear through the trees.  

Now, Julie figures she'll cut through the backwoods, it was faster, and she really wanted to get home.  She left Sophie home all day and besides she had to cook dinner.   As she cut through the woods.  She heard some muttering, in whispers, "Oh, no!  I can't move.  Someone Help! Help please."     Julie looked around where the calls for help were coming from, but all she noticed were the large pail of rocks.   After a while, the cries for help just stopped.  "I know what I heard, someone is out here," she told herself as she sat down on the pail of rocks.  Then suddenly she hears the cries again.  "Please help!  Don't sit on me!" said Felix    Julie quickly got off some of the rocks.   She then began to look in between the large rocks.

This time Julie knew she heard someone.   "Hey, is someone under there?" she asked as she still looking at the rocks.  Then her question was answered, she spotted the bottom half of the body that was exposed and not covered by rocks.   "Who's under there?" she asked  "It's me, Felix, please help me,"  he yelled from underneath the rocks.   "How in the world did you did you get trapped like this?" she asked as she began to remove the rocks she was able to carry.  Which really didn't make any difference, because the larger rocks were laying on his chest.  Julie tries her best, but she couldn't move them.  "Plese don't give up!  Get me out of here!" he yelled again   

Then Julie heard someone coming, "Who's there?  Show yourself!" she yelled     Mark recognized his wife's voice and quickly went towards her.  "Oh, goodness, I'm so glad to see you.  Felix somehow got himself stuck under those knocks," she explained while pointing at the stack of rocks.  "Felix, are you kidding me?" asked Mark  "Just the man we're looking for.  Hey, Felix, that's you under there?" asked Eric  "Please help me!" he yelled once again  

"Hey, you know Mark and I been looking for you.  We need to question you about some robberies.   Tell me what you know about these robberies and Mark and I will gladly help you." said Eric   "Hey, that's not fair, but fine, I did your grandmom's house, but the others were Bill and Frank.  Look please, my ribs are broken, get me out of here." said Felix as he wiggled his feet.   The two men began to remove the large heavy rocks together.  If took them a good hour before the totally removed all the rocks.  Felix wasn't able to move,  he had four broken ribs, and his shoulder was dislocated.  

All you can hear is his cries of agony, as the two men, lift him off the ground and began to carry him.  "Where are we taking him?" asked Eric  "The Doctor office is about an hour drive.  Take him to our house, Mark   I'll make sure his stable until the ambulance, picks him up." said Julie as they headed to their home.    Felix was in bad shape,  Mark found it weird, the cut on his leg was growing hair, and even stranger he was missing finger.  Mark didn't know what to make of the whole ordeal.  But Felix got what he desired, and he didn't feel one bit sorry for him.

Now Sophie was upstairs,  watching TV with her new friends.   Mrs. Anderson was sleeping, so she didn't have to worry about her.   They watching Superman, and Che was very excited about the movie.  He began to make pretend he was flying around the room.  Then he asked Sophie for a cape.  Sophie took out some scarfs and tied one around each of their necks.  They began to act like Superman, so they thought as they jumped off the dresser and bed, landing on the floor now and then.  Then everything went wrong when, "Hey, we all can't be Superman!  I'd thought of it first, so take the cape off!" yelled Ahoy as he tried to take the cape off of Ake    Ake push him on the chest and Ahoy landed on the floor. 

 "You take the cape off, I'm the real Superman.  I just knocked you on your ass!" said Ake as he puts his hands up as though he was about to fly, then from behind him came Che, "I don't think so, if anyone is going to be Superman, it is going to me!" he said as he grabbed Ake by the cape then flung him across the room.  "I'm Superman said, Cha, as he jumps on Che back and bites his ear.  

After a couple of seconds, they were rolled up in a ball fighting and knocking whatever got in their way.   Sophie tried to separate them, but every time she was close enough, they will all growl at her at the same time.  This made her afraid, so she had no chose but to sit on her bed and watch the little monster fight and that's exactly what she did.   She sat there as they made a big mess.  They did look like they were getting tired, for their tongues were hanging out, and their breathing was very faster.  Sophie figured they have to get tires soon or later.

Then suddenly Sophie heard the front door open.  "Sophie sweetie we're home! Come down, we need your help," yelled Julie as she ran to the bathroom to get her first aid kit.   "Oh, no!  My mother is at home.  I going to get in big trouble.  Look at what you did to my room!" she screamed as she walked out of her room slamming the door behind her.  The little monster looked at each other, "You see what you've done?" asked Ahoy  

"Me?  You started it!" yelled Ake   "Really, who cares who started, Sophie looks upset, and we must put that pretty smile back on her face." said Che  "And how are we going to do that?" Really?" asked Ahoy  "Start cleaning." he suggested  "Really?  That's all you can think of,  come on think." said Ahoy  "He's right, let's clean up the mess that we made." said Cha as he started to clean the bedroom.  "Really?  I don't want to clean!" complained Ahoy as he and the other began to clean up Sophie's Room.

Sophie walked down the steps thinking, "These little monster, are going to get me in lots of trouble.  Wait to my mother see my room." she thought as she went down the steps.

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