Chapter 15 - The Truth

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It was only after getting back into the car and finally getting back onto paved road did I realize how far he had actually driven. The afternoon sun was beating down high above us but the cold autumn wind hit our faces as we drove with the windows down. I didn't know where he was taking me and I'm not entirely sure that I even cared, I was just happy the cold wind was relaxing my stiff muscles. It wasn't until we finally made it back into town that either of us said something.

"So does Stella know?" I asked without turning away from the window.

"Does Stella know what?" I heard him say.

"About The Hit." I replied, turning to look at him. His expression was hard and unsure as he stared out the window. He seemed to be trying to decide whether or not he should tell me.

"Nova, listen." I finally sighed, "We're kind of in this together now. You don't have to be afraid of me." I had grown used to him being rigid and cold hearted in the way he spoke, I knew him best when he was like this, but I didn't want to know this Nova. I wanted to know the Nova that was a completely different person now than when he is alone or with his sister. This wasn't him and I knew it. This always on his guard, carefully choosing his words and never letting his walls down to protect himself. This was Ryder. I have seen glimpses of the real Nova and it was beautiful. I didn't want him to think he needed to be afraid of me.

"Just because we're in this together doesn't mean I have to trust you." He said as I watched his grip tighten on the steering wheel.

"Who else are you going to trust?" I asked with narrowed eyes. He threw me a sideways glance reminding me of the way Will looked at me this morning. Oh no, Will.

"Oh no!" I shouted. I watched as Nova's head snapped up and scanned around the car, concerned.

"What what what?" He asked, startled.

"Will!" He relaxed at the sound of the name and I turned just in time to see him roll his eyes.

"What about Will?" He scoffed.

"I kind of left him hanging at the diner." I admitted shamefully, "I ran out without explaining anything. He's going to be so mad. And I know he's going to tell Bella about what happened. What do I tell him?" I begged. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"You figure that out on your own, Dani. It was your choice to follow me." He made the irritation in my blood boil at his hidden message. It was your choice to follow me and put us in this situation.

"Only because I wasn't getting any answers from you! You completely disappeared off the face of the planet! How else am I supposed to find out what the hell was happening?"

"Gee, I don't know! Mind your own business?!" His eyes widen as he played the part of his sarcastic comment.

"Some of that was my business!"

"Well, you certainly made it your business now, didn't you?" He snapped, glaring at me when we were at a complete stop at a red light. I wasn't sure what part of town we were in but I didn't care. I unbuckled my seatbelt and jumped out the car.

"What the- Dani!" I ignored him and the stares that followed from the people around me.

If all that was going to come of this was arguing and more arguing I would rather take my chances with Bradley alone. I walked a few blocks when I could hear quick fast steps catching up to me. I didn't turn to look at him as he walked alongside me, panting like a dog, trying to catch his breath.

Halfway There | COMPLETE ✔ + Sequelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें