Chapter Seven

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"Let me down!", I demand to the Alpha King.

"Nope. You have to get checked out by someone.", he tells me.

I continue to argue with him as we walk there but eventually he starts ignoring me. We enter the building and I see patients and doctors give us weird look.  I see Nicole who look shocked probably because of all the bruises on my face. Then she starts rushing towards us.

"What the hell happened? I haven't seen you in like two day and I hear from everyone how you got suspended for yell at that ass who just walked into your OR and started demanding things! Now you look like this! Tell me who it is so I can make some say some spells and make his life a living hell.", she yells.

"Well that person you are talking about is right here and I trained with Xavier and then Autumn her so I trained with her and Alpha Foster got angry and punched me", I sum up for her. She then glaces worryingly at the Alpha King. 

"A-Alpha K-King nice to see you and just so you know what I said was totally a joke. Forgive me?", she says while bowing her head to him.

"I will if you check her out. She got it hard on the head from Foster's punch. I want her to have a CT to make sure she doesn't have a concussion.", he tells her.

" right away.", she says.

"You can leave now.", I tell him.

"How can I be sure you're actually being checked out.", he says.

"Stand outside the door.", I tell him.

"You can't tell me what to do.", he growls.

"Okay well Aubrie can you pull up your shirt so I can look at your ribs to see if you will need them scanned to.", Nicole asks me.

"Of course.", I say.

Before any of that can happen Autumn walks in.

"Hey is she okay?", Autumn ask Nicole.

"I don't know yet I have checked her out yet. I'm actually going to check her ribs and then he wants her to have a CT because of...", Nicole starts.

"Yeah I know my mates an ass who punch her and almost knocked her out.", she says.

"Okay can we just get this over with cause I know I'm fine.", I say impatiently.

"Okay.", Nicole says.

I pull up my shirt I suddenly hear a slap and then a growl.

"Hey this isn't a free show at least turn your ass a round before I get someone to kick you out.", Autumn says.

"You're lucky your mate is outside that door or I would have...", he trails off when Sebastian steps into the room.

"Outside.", he says to the Alpha King.

Surprisingly he follow without acting out.

"Why would he listen to you and not me? I legit just tried that like two minutes ago!", I say.

Nicole checks me over carefully and slowly. When she touches my ribs I inhale sharply and hold in my Want to rip her hands off them. Autumn then gives me sad and angry looks at the bruises on my stomach. Nicole then checks my face and arms.

"I'm going to get you a CT scan and an x-ray of your ribs. Everything else seems fine, but I'm going to try to find something for the pain you must be in. Unfortunately, we only have mostly supernatural medicine, which you should know. If they don't have any pain medicine I'll try to see if I can get you something for the pain from somewhere near by.", Nicole tells me.

"Thank you.", I tell Nicole.

"Let's go take these scan.", she says.

After the CT and the x-ray we find out I have a minor concussion with two broken ribs and the others are just badly bruised. I force Nicole to let me out and go to are tent. She finally agrees when Autumn says that she will stay with me.

When we get to the tent Autumn tells me to get some sleep because I look like death. I take her advice and I'm almost asleep when someone storms into the room.

"Oh god what did I do to deserve this?", I mumble half asleep when I see that Alpha King is in the tent.

"I can hear you, you know.", he tells me.

"Gosh I know, but do I care? No. All I care about now is sleep so please leave me alone. Don't you have a job to do?", I tell him.

"Yes I do. Alpha Foster asked me to watch you, while he talks to your twin.", he tells me.

"Great, well you're not needed here because I really don't feel like having someone watch me sleep. That's just creepy."

"Fine. Move over.", he says trying to move onto my bed.

"Wait, what? No you're not sleeping here."

"Yes I am. You're not the only one tired.", he says gently pushing me over.

"Fine, but don't touch me.", I say as I grab a blanket and put it between us.

"Okay.", he says.

After a couple minutes of laying there I can fall asleep. "This is weird. Get out and find your own bed or sleep on the floor.", I tell him.


He gets on the floor by me.

"Goodnight", I tell him.

"Goodnight, μικρό μου άνθρωπο.", he says.

μικρό μου άνθρωπο is Greek for my little human according to google translate. It's probably wrong so I'm sorry if it is. If you happen to know it please comment or message me it!
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