Chapter Twenty Eight

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When we came out of the office everyone was watching in the living room. You could tell because when we walked down the hall towards it I saw Alexa face move from peaking over it and heard whispers. The were to quiet to make out, but I could tell someone was talking.

"Well you look happy so I'm guessing we got are way?", Alexa questions when we walk in.

"We compromised so it would be appealing to both parties.", I say and I sit down the the couch next to her and Kyle. I lean my head on her shoulder.

"Aww, did arguing take the energy out of you and what was the compromise?" She said a as she pats my head.

"Yes, it did and stop glaring at us Theo because you're jealous. He's going to come with us. Well, he's actually coming with me since we are going to all split off."

"Except Max and Kyle you will be coming with us.", Theo says right after I'm done talking.

"Good, I was ready to follow the beautiful Aubrie all around the world." He say while streaking his arm out to wrap it around me. I flinch back avoid his touch, but Theo stops him before he even get close.

"Touch her in any way and I will snap your neck.", he says gruffly. I knew instantly that when he talked Ace came out to play. Looking at his eyes just confirmed what I thought.

Is having a wolf like having an insane person have a split personality disorder? Wait, do people even have that or are they just wolves? Also, would the medicine given to those people block a wolf? Since it suppresses the "voice" in their heads?

By going off on a tangent in my mind I had missed something major because Kyle was out of his seat and Nickolas was pulling Ace away from Creepy Kyle.

"Ace it's fine. He was just messing around." I tell him hopefully to stop the situation from escalating any more that it has.

He looks at me and the back at Kyle before making his way over to to me. He takes Kyle's seat and pulls me into his lap. He still glares at Kyle, but doesn't make and moves towards him.

He silently plotting his death.

"Okay so how about we all discuss when we are going to leave?"

Ace must have relaxed enough to let Theo come back out and he replies by saying, "We will all leave in the morning. You and Gavin will take commercial flights, while we take the plane."

"Okay, sounds good. Now Gavin and I need to go to make sure we have enough antibiotics made and we need to teacher Aubrie how to make it so I'm going to steal her from you now." She says as she gets up and reaches out her hand to pull me from Theo's lap.

I turn around to make sure he's okay and doesn't mind that I go. When I do he gives me a peck on the lips and give me a little shove forward.

"I want her back in an hour!" He calls as we make are way to the stairs.

"You can have her back in two!" She yells back as we make are decline down the stairs.

"I'll have her back in one or I'll come looking for her!"

"Theo you will have her back whenever she wants and she will stay with Alexa however long she once!", I yell to both of them as I speak of myself in third person.

"That's what you think!" , Theo calls down to me.

"No that's what I know and you better convert to that knowledge before my foot goes up your ass!" I don't hear anything more from Theo, but I know he heard it.

When we get to the lab, it very messy. We all have to put on suits and then go in.

"Okay, so all the locations we are going to I have about two trucks going to each of them and give you all the supplies you need to make it. I haven't named the product yet so we will just refer to it as Rain."

"Why rain?" I ask as I start grabbing empty containers that have been used and throwing them in the waste basket.

"Because hopefully it will end the sea of death we are going through."

"Okay, I guess that kind of makes sense."

"Any so the first thing you need to do is..." she starts explaining while making some.

For the next three and half hours she teaches me how to make it. To do this she made me make one while she was making one, make me make one with some help, make another by memory with no help, and one last time to help shorten how long it take me to make it.

Exhausted from learning and running back and forth all over the lab, I finally make my way out of the lab with one destination in mind, my bed. I walk five feet away from the door and I run into a wall. I mumble a sorry to it (yes I know walls don't talk or have feelings I was just that tired) and continued my way upstairs.

Halfway up a person meets up with me. My eyes where half closed so I cracked them open a little more and saw Theo.

"I knew I should have hunted you down. They worn you out to much.", he says a he grabs me.

I mumble a response and he picks me up and I snuggle in his chest. He carries me the rest of the way upstairs and I hear him open a door, which probably belongs to his bedroom.

"Ας πάμε στο κρεβάτι, την αγάπη μου.", I hear him say as he lays me on the bed. It sounds like gibberish and I let out a mumble.

I feel him pull away from me and I instantly reach out and grab is hand. "Stay.", I let out quietly.

I then feel him sit on the bed and moves towards me and I hear him say something, but I can't make it out because I'm already asleep.

A/N: Ας πάμε στο κρεβάτι, την αγάπη μου means Let's put you to bed, my love. It's Greek and I'm so if it's wrong. I used google translate so it's probably not that reliable. Sorry this late. I was super busy this weekend and I meant for this to go up last night, but I feel asleep while writing it. For an early update:

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