Chapter 1

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So this is my first story so if it sucks I'm very sorry, by the way the English used is uk/Canadian English yes there's a difference, I don't know many blind people so sorry if I get something wrong or say something offensive in any way, also I'm not very up on guide dogs so I'm sorry if that's wrong I only need a service dog that I actually have to pay for but unfortunately we can't afford one, Also if I get anything wrong about anxiety or offend you in anyway I'm sorry but I actually have anxiety myself and am on medication cause it's so bad so please don't hate on me to much thanks.

Now that's all out the way I hope you enjoy my story and have a nice day, Please don't give me to much hate since I'm new to this writing thing

Leo's PoV

I wake up to the smell of eggs and my tummy instantly rumbles I giggle to myself, I reach my hand of the side of my bed to try and find my cane in my morning daze it's hard to remember where I placed it

I finally grasp my hand around it and stand up and grab my clothes where my mum placed them on the end of my bed, and sit down on my bed and start putting them on, the school I'm going to doesn't have a dress code it's cause in this area there's a lot of people who are poorer and can't afford expensive uniform

Once I'm changed i head downstairs, if your wondering my I don't have a guide dog it's cause we can't afford one and I don't want to pressure my mum more than she already is

"Morning mum" I say sleepily as I sit down at the table and hear her put my plate down in front of me as I'm propping my cane up against the table, I search for my fork, once I've found it I start shovelling eggs in my mouth

"Good morning love, Your hungry today huh" she cooed while placing a kiss on my forehead, she laughs at how hungry I am and I start getting embarrassed

"I - I'm sorry" I whisper as I feel my cheeks getting hot, I just want to curl up into a ball this is so embarrassing

"It's okay love you didn't do anything wrong!" she exclaims worriedly, I try to calm myself down to not worry her anymore than she already is

"It's fine mum, but shouldn't we get going soon I've already finished my eggs" I say trying to put a warm calm look on my face I don't know if it's working though

"Oh shit we should, Oh no I'm sorry for swearing love" she apologised, we get into the car and start heading of to my new school, I feel the butterflies in my stomach more than ever now, We have finally arrived in the parking lot of the school

I feel the anxiety creeping up in my body and I start feeling a panic attack coming on I just try to keep calm and breathe through it, I calm down pretty fast for once I don't know what going on with me maybe something might go right at this school

"Mum you've got to get to work soon right, I'll be fine someone will help me get to my classroom" I say as calmly as possible to not worry her,

"Okay but are you sure you'll be fine, are you sure you'll reach your classroom alright..?" She questioned worriedly, I am annoyed at myself for making her worried

"I'll be fine mum, goodbye for now I love you" I effused, I've finally reached my classroom another student was kind enough to show me where it was I'm just waiting outside the classroom door trying to calm down

The teacher slides the door open and calls me in as I walk in I feel all the eyes in the room on me

I feel a panic attack creeping up and I can't seem to calm down, I can hear myself breathing really heavily and people giggling it's getting difficult to breathe now I can feel everyone watching me, I don't want to be bullied anymore I need to act normal

"Le - Leo are you ok - okay" I hear the teacher say it's getting difficult to hear now then I just hear a loud bang..... Then there's just nothing just darkness and loneliness and sweet bliss in a way...

Lost in the darkness (BxB) ✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن