Chapter 5

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Matts PoV

"GET OUT, GET OUT YOU'VE HURT LEO NOW" Leo's mum screams in my face while pushing my out of the door and slamming it in my face

Fucking homophobic bastard how did I ever think she was going to be different..., poor Leo though he seemed extremely petrified I think it was his mums fault not mine...

Now I have to head back to that hellhole and wait until Monday till I can see him again I hope he stays safe, I walk into the house and hear screaming and crying


Then I hear a beer bottle smash and rush into the living room and see the twins huddled up in a corner with blood running down James hand and Maggie hiding behind him whimpering

"DAD WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THEY'RE JUST FIVE" I yell at him rushing over to the twins and huddling them behind me

"I'm giving them what they deserve for dropping my beer" he explains what sort of excuse is that for smashing a beer bottle at them, I hate him I wish mum was still alive she was the best

"I'll take the punishment instead" I say my voice trembling I need to stay strong for the twins

"Wait one second, James go upstairs with Maggie your hand isn't a big deal it will heal fast just run it under some water and then wrap a clean towel around it, Maggie help you brother with that you have to be strong for him since he protected you okay, I love you both so much, lock your door and don't open it unless it's me or someone who's going to help us" I tell them with tears in my eyes and push them out of the living room and send them running up the stairs while they cry their eyes out

"Okay dad I'm ready" I whimper out I normally don't cry but I'm scared I want to see Leo again

He pushes me down and starts kicking me repeatedly in the stomach, I need to stay calm to get it over with faster he leaves the room and comes back with a baseball bat and starts whacking it at my head, what did I do why is he angrier than usual, everything's getting blurry now it's hard to stay conscious

"I don't want to die" I whimper to myself now he's left the room, I'm not meant to show my emotions but I want to stay alive for Leo I can't die not yet....


I wake up to see two little chubby faces crying at the side of my body

"What's wrong kiddos" I cough out as i sit up and ruffle their heads

"W - We thought you ha - had died" James cries out and then they both dive into my arms and cry into my chest

What time or day is it I wonder to myself as I stand up with the help of the twins, it didn't really help since they're five but let them believe that at least, I turn on our crappy TV and turn the news channel on to find out the time and day, I find out it's Bloody Sunday 12:04pm it was Friday night when dad beat me up, God the poor kids I hope they got feed alright

"Who feed you while I was unconscious..?" I question them, and then realise I'm not in the living room anymore and am in our bedroom how did I get here, I was unconscious wasn't I.........

Lost in the darkness (BxB) ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang