.chapter nineteen.

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A direwolf slain, another lost. Two cubs slaughtered while the other two remain. Joffrey grew cold toward the Starks, resentment swimming his dark green eyes, hatred seeping from every pore. He had even expressed his dislike for his betrothed, a girl so perfectly groomed who had betrayed her own family just for his sake.

"I want to marry Rhaella," she overheard the crowned prince one evening on her way to meeting with the young princess. "She's far better than the Stark girl."

Rhaella stopped near the door, the guards looking at her suspiciously. She only raised a brow and gave them a look that dared them to reveal her to the queen. Both men turned their heads, acting as if she was not there. Satisfied with her victory, she pressed her ear back up against the door.

"There was a time when I would have agreed with you," Cersei spoke softly, "but even she can not be trusted."

"You raised her! How is she not to be trusted? Make her trustworthy and make her my wife! I want her as my wife!"

"As does half the realm!" The sound of wood scraping against stone could be heard from Rhaella's side of the door. "They want her crowned their queen and once she is queen, there will be no telling what happens. For the good of the realm and for your sake, you can not marry her."

"Ah, eavesdropping, my favorite pastime." Rhaella pulled her ear away from the door to spy one of the few men she dare say she took pleasure in seeing. Bald, eyes that saw everything, and ears that heard even more, the eunuch move along the corridor, making little sound.

Glaring up at the guard that was now looking at her, she let out a heavy sigh and hurried after the man known as the Spider.

"And what have you heard today?"

"Joffrey wishes to marry me," she replied, leaving out the part that half the realm also wanted her on the Iron Throne. "How come I'm just now seeing you? We've been back for a week."

"I've been busy," he replied, his arms folded within his sleeves. "And I have also heard things."

"Your little birds?"

A smile twisted his lips, "They are everywhere."

"How most unfortunate," she sucked in a breath, "what have they chirped about now?"

"Many things," he replied. "Things that can not be shared with you now, not here."

She nodded her head, fully understanding that what he learned was not to be said at all in the Red Keep. Like he, the queen had ears everywhere.

"But there was one thing, it seems our own little dragon has fallen for a wolf."

She stopped walking to stare at him, "Between you and Lord Baelish calling me a dragon, it's a wonder the King hasn't called for my head yet."

"We only say it to your face," he mused. "And the king is far too busy with other... things to care."

"If you say so," she said. "It's a matter of time before the queen finds me uncontrollable and as greater a threat than the Starks. My own little bird told me so."

"You mean a wolf?"

"I am starting to suspect you can actually talk to birds," she inhaled deeply. "I'm late and it is rude to keep the princess waiting."

She stepped away, Varys bowed his head, saying nothing more as she turned on her heel, skirts bunched in her hands and hurried as quickly as her legs could carry her to the gardens where Myrcella and their ever growing cubs awaited.

"Rhaella!" Before she could even acknowledge who it was that called her name, someone small threw themselves at her, nearly knocking the wind out of her. "I've missed you so much!"

Peering down, she recognized that head of untidy dark hair and smiled, patting her head gently. "And I you," she replied. "What are you doing here?"

Dark round orbs peered up at her, tugging at her heartstrings. So different, yet so very similar, she had reminded Rhaella very much of Jon.

"I've water dancing lessons," she grinned.

Rhaella stared down at the little girl suspiciously, "Since when have you taken up dancing and actually enjoyed something other than swinging swords?" The last of the sentence dawned on her. "Oh, I see."

"Mhm," she beamed. "You should come with!"

"Perhaps another time, I am late to see the princess. I promised to spend time with her so our cubs could play together."

At the mention of the cubs, Arya's face grew dark. "She's a hypocrite," she muttered.

"Indeed," she replied, knowing well who she was talking about. "As is the king, but they are our king and queen and we must accept that."

She crinkled her long nose, "You're different here," she said. "I don't like it."

A small smile twisted her lips, "I'm afraid I will only continue to be a stranger to you. Now run along, best not to keep your master waiting. I shall see you again, soon, and when I do, you can teach me all that you have learned."

"I would like that," she said, grinning, the light returning to her childish eyes. "And maybe when we see Jon again, he'll be proud of us both."

"Maybe," she replied softly, her eyes growing sad. "Run on now."

Arya had turned to run along but stopped. She was hesitating, and before Rhaella could ask, Arya turned back to her with tears in her eyes and ran at her.

"Please don't leave me," she cried into Rhaella's stomach. "I know I have my father and Sansa, but you are also a reminder of Winterfell too. And you have been about the only good thing about coming here aside from my lessons. I don't want to lose you too."

Rhaella smiled, tears slipping past her closed eyelids as she squeezed the little girl tightly.

"You will never lose me."


I actually like this.

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