Fight to the Finish {Chapter Three}

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Hey guys! So I dedicated this chapter to @MockingJayGold because of the epic cover she made me! 

Haha. Future.

Sorry if I annoy you with my author's notes. And weird you out . . .

That probably happens.

Anywho, here is chapter three! Hope you guys like it!


Chapter Three

"Gemma Livingston, someone is here to see you," a man's voice called from outside of the door. I was in the mayor's office, alone, but I was pretty sure that Mason was in a nearby room. I wasn't too sure, because after we were ushured off of the stage, I was too numb with shock to really notice anything.

There was a soft knock on the door. In popped in a cute little girl, who was Caleb's younger sister, Sarah.

Caleb. I had forgotten about him since I went on the stage. I truly am a terrible person.

Sarah twisted her brown braid around her finger. "Hey, Gemma," she said softly.

"Hey, Sarah. Is your mom out there?" I pointed to the door.

"Yeah." She stopped twirling her hair around her finger and started tugging at her light blue dress.

"How about you go out there with her?"

"But Caleb wanted me to come in first and say goodbye to you."

I fought the urge to cry. "Okay... Bye, Sarah."

She suddenly reached forward and wrapped her arms around my knees. "I'll miss you, Gemma."

I slowly unwound her arms from around me and crouched down to her level. I then hugged her and stroked her soft hair. She wrapped her short little arms around my neck.

"I'll miss you, too."

The door opened and in walked the guard from before. "It's been two minutes."

"Okay." I sighed, pulling away from Sarah. I got up off of the wood floor and dusted my knees off.

The guard patted the top of Sarah's head. "It's time for you to go, little girl," he said nicely.

"Okay." I watched as she walked out of the room without another glance back.

The guard cleared his throat and I looked at him.

There's two more people here to see you," he told me. "Unfortunately you can only visit with those for two minutes each." He gave me a half smile and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

A couple seconds later, Caleb came bursting through the door. He ran over to me and hugged me, squeezing my tight. I hugged him back, and the tears started to well up in my eyes. I blinked rapidly, but the tears wouldn't go away.

"You okay?" Caleb asked softly when we pulled away. "I was thinking about you the whole time I ran over here. Of course, there shouldn't be anything else to think about, but –"

I put my finger on his lips, silencing him. If he didn't shut up, then he would keep on rambling, and he could go on forever. I knew that from experience.

"Thanks," he said quitely, "so, whatcha thinking?"

"I haven't thought of you yet," I said truthfully. "Well, until now. I'm sorry."

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