10. Old Friends and New Doubts

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"Beth?" Nora focussed her vision on the figure who was sitting in her room.

"Good afternoon mother!" She smiled as she looked up from the screen. "Had a lovely nap?"


Beth typed to more letters before hitting enter and then shut down her laptop. "You were sleeping when I came in." She planted a kiss on her mother's forehead.

"Yeah, felt very tired. I was having a little headache."

"What? Did you tell Lucy?"

"I will when she will come for her evening rounds."

"Mother, you should tell-"

"Beth, I will when she comes for her evening rounds." Nora reassured her. Beth knew her mother was stubborn, so she decided not to argue anymore.

"So, how is Alec?"


"You both started talking?"

"A little. Enough to fool the counsellor. That is what is required."


"Mother, you know we both won't speak more than this."


"Mother, we aren't talking about this."

"But I just don't understand why you two are being like this! I mean you two are young, go live a little."

"Mother honestly! We would have enjoyed each other's company if circumstances had been different."

"But you two are living together and this is not healthy. How long will you both hide from each other like this. How long will you keep hiding Beth?"

Beth's mind raced back to the old memories that had caused her mother to say something like this. "Mother-"

"What? How long will you be avoiding this Beth? How long?"

"Mother please...."

"How long will you keep that love inside you locked and pretend its not there. Because I know it is there and it is begging for attention. Let Alec see it, don't keep it locked inside. I understand after everything you have gone through you won't be willing to move on, but baby girl you have to because it has been far too long."

Beth could feel the tears in her eyes. They would fall if her mother continued to talk.

"I have told you this before mother, and I am telling you this now too, I won't move on, because I don't want to! That is all. We are not having this conversation and I am leaving." She began collecting her things.

 "How long are you going to run, Beth? How long are you going to run? It has been two years now!"

"As long as I want to" She kissed her mother's cheek to bid goodbye and closed the door, blocking Nora's voice inside.

She stood outside the door, regaining her composure and took deep breaths to blink away the tears. You can't block the love out, she could hear her mother's voice in her mind. "I can and I will." She said out loud and she walked back to her office.

She opened the door and the Alec was greeted with a surprise look from Beth. She stood at the door for five minutes before recovering from the shock. He was sitting there in his office clothes. He had directly come from the office to meet her.

"Yeah, he is here." Her friend said. It is only then she notices Lucy n the room.

"What are you two doing here?" She was standing on the doorway of her office in blue scrubs.

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