Author's Note

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Hello everyone,

Today marks the fourth year anniversary of the first chapters I had published for this story. Back in 2016, when I was in my school, I had started this little project and it took me total of 2 years to finish the first draft which I uploaded on Wattpad. Over the course of next two years, I kept editing bit by bit as I got time and I still edit out few things, keep adding new ones but I still haven't got a chance to sit down and edit it as a whole. And yet, in these four years you all have given my story so much love. I am so grateful to you all for showing this much support. Some of you messaged me regarding your views on the story, some of you actively discussed the plotlines with in comments and it has been nothing but pleasure for me to have able to interact with all of you and understand the readers of this community.

I haven't been able to write much recently because of my troubles with my mental health but you all give me hope every day that when I return, you all will be there to support me and my works.

Until my new story updates come, I decided to make an Instagram page to connect with you all more easily. It is under the handle a25swan. I put out book recommendations, quotes that inspire me and lot more things, all related to our love of books. I hope you enjoy it too.

Again, I really can't thank you all enough for your love and support. I hope I can deliver the same or better quality of work with my new stories for you all.

Thank you so much.

Until next time,


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